Story of my Life Part 2

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A/N Hope you like this! I'm trying to keep updating as soon as possible! Picture of Charlotte on the side! >>>

“Charlotte! Where the hell are you going? We’ve got French now! We get our results from the mocks!”

So let me tell you now, Rachel is smart. Like really smart. Almost as smart as Miss Jessica All-The-Teachers-Love-Me-Because-I-Am-So-Amazing-And-I-Suck-Up-To-Them-All Ridley. But she doesn’t like it when people say that. She probably got an A* in the exam. I told her that. I said, “You probably got and A* in the exam.” Rachel pretended that she didn’t hear me. Oh, well!

 I walked into the French room and sat down in my usual seat at the very back. Fredrick Pursely, the biggest drip in any of my classes, slipped into the seat next to me. I slid over to the one to my left, no way am I being stuck with him.

 I instinctively took out my purple French writing book and dumped it on the table, right in front of A HUGE SPIDER. By huge I mean really huge! I let out the loudest scream ever. Everyone turned to face me, looking at me with clueless faces.

“THERE IS A BLOODY HUGE SPIDER ON MY BLOODY DESK!” I shouted, turning on panic mode. Somebody nearby sighed despairingly and wandered over to my table. They quickly covered the spider with one hand and scooped it up with the over.

“Thank you so, so, so much!” I breathed shakily. In about 20 seconds it was out of the window. Still trembling from my very unwanted experience, I looked up to see who my life saver was. Oh, it was Jayden, my ex. “Thanks, Jayden.” I muttered regretfully.

Monsieur Fournier, my French teacher sighed. He exclaimed in his strong French accent, “Non, non Charlotte! You do not behave like this! It is unacceptable!” I nodded and mouthed the word ‘sorry’.

We’re about 15 minutes into the lesson now and Monsieur Fournier has started to hand out our assessments. Finally mine was dropped on the desk. Okay time to check my- I GOT A FRICKING A-!

First, I checked the name on the front to make sure it actually was mine. Yep, Charlotte Milton was written on the front in my scribbled handwriting. I might just take this chance to tell you some more about myself.

Okay, so I’m Charlotte and I have just turned 17. I have dark hair and eyes. I live with my mum, Patricia, my dad, Paul, and my little sister Diana. She is 14. AND I JUST GOT AN A- IN MY FRENCH EXAM!

Anyway that’s enough about me for now. I was so happy about my result that I didn’t really pay attention to the rest of the lesson. Never mind, let’s just hope I don’t go to France anytime soon! Rachel got an A* by the way, (what did I say?)

It was soon the end of the day and I was free to go home, HALLELUJAH! And its Friday! I quickly grabbed my worn-out coat and ran down the corridor, nearly knocking over Gibbs.

“Watch where you’re going!” He shouted wearily after me. I flew out of the school gates and sprinted down to the bus stop. I just got the earlier bus, so I suppose that little bit of exercise it was worth it! Next stop, home!

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