Dances (Jumin Han x F!Reader) (Part 1)

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Requested by: peculiar-gypsy


Her white ruffles spun around her body. Jumin rested his hand on her waist and gave her a gentle smile. (y/n)'s cheeks pinked with her blush. Though they were dancing, they were dancing in front of a group. Jumin didn't care though, it was just a dance. A simple party with beautiful music.

(y/n) ran her hand down his chest then snaked his hand over his shoulder again. Jumin kissed her forehead and then spun her around. Her back was facing him. Jumin placed his chin on her shoulder and held her hands. His fingers coiled over her palms as he kissed her cheek. (y/n) melted into his grip.

Jumin then spun her back into place. He placed a kiss on her lips and pulled her close. (y/n) kissed back with a deep motion. Their emotions were colliding with one another. (y/n) pulled away and placed her head in his chest. Jumin chuckled lightly and ran his hand down his lover's back.

(y/n) shuffled her feet to the left and dragged Jumin along with her. Jumin laughed and stumbled on his feet with. He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. (y/n) giggled and kissed his cheek. They were indeed very kissy at this moment. But who cared? They loved each other so.

A tap on the shoulder, Jumin felt that. He looked over his shoulder with a small smile. A co-worker of his. He immediately wiped off his smile and straighten himself out. He stood there with his lover. (y/n) had wonderment in her eyes, what was going to happen?

"A chairman from another company wishes to speak with you." He stated.

Jumin spoke back in a thick tone, "Alright."

He kissed his lover's head as she spoke, "Knock 'em out."

"I suppose, well tonight we shall speak more." He smirked.

He walked away, his lady was too embarrassed to speak.

Mystic Messenger x Reader (BOOK 2) (ENDED)Where stories live. Discover now