Resentment (Yoosung Kim x F!Reader)

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Requested by: Gumio-tan

Plot made by the requester!


Another day of staying in his room. Honestly, this was too much. He just lost what was most important to him. Rika was basically his sister. How can he ever lose someone like her? She was amazing in every single way. Yoosung needed this alone time, but he knew Rika wouldn't want him to be sad. Maybe he should go to the coffee shop? That'll be a nice change of pace for once.

Yoosung got out of bed and took a shower. After he washed himself down he put on some clothes. Yoosung grabbed his wallet and his apartment keys. He left his comfort and locked it away. Yoosung leaned his head on the door and let out a deep sigh. Already he felt very exhausted. Yoosung left the door and walked to the nearest coffee shop.

He entered with a solemn look, this was already too bad. Yoosung found a lone seat away from everyone. Yoosung tapped his fingers along the table, this was definitely a terrible idea. Interacting with the living was not fun, anxiety overcame him. Tears formed in his eyes. He couldn't move, his fingers stopped in place. This feeling, it was so unfamiliar. It was no longer anxiety.

More tears rushed down his face by every aching second. What's happening? Yoosung shook from fear, this feeling. Everything began to shake and disappear. The sounds that he heard drowned out. More tears rushed down his face, it was flooding. They hit the table one by one. Was anyone trying to help him? Did anyone even notice his feelings?

"Hey... Are you alright?" A kind voice spoke as everything began to be placed together.

Yoosung looked up, it was a lady. Her (h/c) hair fell upon on her face. Yoosung stood there, who was this? Could it be... No, this is obviously not her. She looks nothing like her. Yoosung's vision restored to the world around him. She reached into her purse and pulled out a pack of tissues. The lady opened them and slid them over to him with a gentle smile.

"Take these, you need them." She spoke again.

"Th... thank... you." Yoosung replied back in a nervous tone.

She smiled, "Feel free to keep them. I-"

"You can sit with me if you want to." Yoosung abruptly told her with his hands shaking.

The lady clicked her tongue. He could tell she was pondering on the fact if he was a psychopath or if he was just being nice.

"Sure," She sat down, "I'm (y/n) (l/n), what's your name?"

"Yoosung Kim." He replied while wiping his eyes.

"Is there anything on your mind? We may not know each other that well, but you shouldn't bottle your emotions up." (y/n) was very gentle.

Yoosung's eyes softened, "Well..."

The words that he spoke created a story. (y/n) listened to every bit of him. It was strange to Yoosung, he can pour out all of his emotions to this stranger. But with a friend, he couldn't. Something about (y/n) just made him... more comfortable. It was like the feelings that Rika gave him.

But she couldn't be like her. No, never she's gone. Yoosung knew that in the back of his head. Though (y/n) and her were so similar. Their kindness and smile were identical. How? Rika is gone, she never met Rika. Why was it like this?


"Yoosung.. You're fine, it was just a nightmare." (y/n) rubbed his shoulders as he woke up.

Yoosung was out of breath, the nightmare was over. This is the first time he's awoken right after one. He was covered in sweat, but there was sweet words tracing from his lover's lips. (y/n) kissed his cheek and leaned on him. Yoosung brought (y/n) in a tight warm hug. Coping with her was the best way.

He found someone else he could idolize in every way. It was unhealthy the way he did it. (y/n) would tell him he doesn't need to idolize someone. Yoosung, he was great the way he was. He should pay attention to himself.

The nightmare... he couldn't shake it off. Yoosung couldn't remember what it was about though. He just remembers being alone and then darkness surrounding his head. What sort of imagery was this? (y/n) kissed his temple as Yoosung turned to look at her. She gave him that gentle smile. He smiled back.

"Need to talk?" (y/n) asked.

"I don't know what to talk about." He replied in tears.

(y/n) grabbed the tissues and gave them to him, "Here, if you don't know what to talk about. Then let's just lay in silence. Maybe the touch of a loved one will help."

Yoosung blew his nose and placed it on his nightstand. He laid back down with his lover. He snuggled up to her as he drifted into a long sleep.


It was a year and half that they've been together. Yoosung couldn't be happier with his relationship. Or could he? Lately he's been confused, he's been out with other people. Kissing, hugging, and more. All from his coffee club, even some of his closest friends. Was (y/n) good enough or was he just... no he couldn't be. He has to be confused.

Yoosung didn't want to cheat on (y/n), it just kind of happened. (y/n) soon found out about his scandals. She was furious, after all of this time. He wasn't satisfied with her love. (y/n) felt tears stream down her face. Both yelled and screamed at one another. Yoosung hated how he did this. He apologized over and over again.

(y/n) didn't accept it though. She was done with him. (y/n) packed her bags and left. Yoosung now has no loved ones. Rika is dead, (y/n) left him. He blamed it on himself. 'Everything is my fault' he thought. That wasn't true, was it? He didn't cause Rika's suicide or (y/n) leaving him. What was this? The more he thought about this, the more his body began to shake. Everything around him washed away. The colors that he saw faded into black. The sounds drifted away.


It couldn't be resentment, Yoosung wasn't treated unfairly. He did this to himself. Nowhere to go, no one to love. Nothing.

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