Seven's Christmas Party (707/Luciel Choi x Reader)

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Requested by: sidney_turtless

Reader's pronouns will be = they/their/they're


"Okay, snacks are-"

"Shit, get rekt scrub." Saeran spoke as he took the snacks back into the kitchen.


"All of the snacks are Honey Buddha chips! We're not going to serve that crap. I actually bought some snacks! Also some of our friends are bringing snacks!" Saeran yelled from the kitchen.

Saeran walked back out with different snacks. There chocolates, cupcakes, cookies, etc. Saeran carefully planned out the snacks. Each were in a place, it was in a pretty order. Seven rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. He looked around and tapped his foot. He was annoyed, Honey Buddha chips is the best snack.

Seven was also open minded about having more than one drink. There were sodas, canned tea, alcohol, etc. So he was good about that, but take away the Honey Buddha chips. Is Saeran trying to pick a fight? Because Seven will put up his fist and fight him. Seven uncrossed his arms and sat on the couch. He looked up at ceiling and sighed.

"Ugh..." Seven groaned.

"What?" Saeran replied.

"(y/n)." He sighed.

"What about them?" Saeran asked.

"It's just-"

The doorbell rang. Saeran walked away to answer the door. That cycle continued for a little bit. Seven had a lot of his friends come over. Some of his friends, none of them have ever met. It was strange to see them, they could see why Seven became friends with them. But only one person didn't arrive them. Where is (y/n)?

Yoosung said (y/n) was going to be late, (y/n) got caught in traffic and they won't be here in awhile. Seven sighed and rubbed his temples, he wanted to tell (y/n) how he felt. The rest of Seven's friends wanted (y/n) and Seven to get together. They were already kind of like a couple, they would kiss each other's cheeks.

Sometimes on the lips but that on special occasions. Other than that, not too much. Though time passed by. It's been 45 minutes, Seven became nervous. Visibly shaking and having awkward laughs. But finally (y/n) arrived, and they were the life of the party. Seven greeted them with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

They spent hours together at the party. Talking laughing, soon (y/n) wanted to talk to others. Seven understood their reasonings. He smiled as (y/n) walked away. Saeran slapped Seven's back and gave him a glare. Seven sighed, he knew what he was doing wrong. Saeran wanted (y/n) and his brother to be together. Infact everyone wanted that.

"(y/n), you should go talk to Seven." Yoosung spoke.

"Why?" They asked with a confused look.

"We all know you two have a strong thing. So you two should get together." Yoosung smiled.

"Is it-"

"It is extremely obvious." Zen interrupted.

"Hello to you too, Zenny-Poo." (y/n) chuckled.

Zen pouted as Yoosung and (y/n) talked more. Soon Jaehee came over and sparked up another conversation with the three of them. They began to make their to the snack table as Seven stood in front of (y/n) with Saeran. Saeran had a stick with a mistletoe tied to it. The mistletoe was hanging by a string. (y/n)'s face went red, Seven nervously chuckled.

Though Seven leaned down and kissed them. (y/n) kissed him back.

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