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So I got tagged by glader0 and eumh yeah.... Here are my answers!

Favourite colour
That's blue! I just really like that particular colour and I always choose that colour when I need to pick out something.

Favourite show
TEEN WOLF! My favourite character is either Derek or Stiles (Sterek heheh) I always watch it and I re-watched some seasons even up to five times.

Favourite sport
I have a sport as hobby, but I don't really know what's it called in English so I'll go for my  second favourite sport which is Lacrosse! (Teen wolf reference on point)

Favourite drink
That's Ice-Tea Green. It's honostly the best thing ever and if you've never had it you've never been alive okay.

Favourite song
Oh gosh. Eumh, lets see... I guess Dope by BTS. I can listen to this song on repeat without getting bored in anyway and that's ofcourse why it's my favourite song.

Favourite band
BTS, seventeen, got7, astro and 5sos. I can't choose okay! Don't judge me 🙃

Favourite food

Favourite movie
That's easy. Titanic! That movie is timeless and we're not even mention Leonardo Dicaprio. The story is beautiful and the acting on point.

Favourite game
I don't really play games so eumh yeaaaah.

Favourite book
That's the TMR series. I adore these books and I can read them a billion times and still be scared for my glader babes.

So this was my tag. I'm not going to tag anyone else because my friends already did the tag and I don't want to give this on to anybody.

See you guys later! 💜

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