Our shining star in the sky

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Today and yesterday were rough, difficult, sad days for many including myself. We lost a precious person held dearly by many. Jonghyun was and will always be one of the most amazing people ever. He was the true definition of kind. I cried a lot, and listening to Shinee's music didn't make it any easier.

The thing that gets me through this, is the knowledge that he's now in a better place. Somewhere he won't hurt, somewhere he'll feel safe. I truly believe he is watching over his family, friends, fans... everyone that he cared about and everyone that care about him.  Seeing his pictures is really difficult. It remembers me that we won't see his smile ever again. But then again, did we ever really see him smile?

I'm not a really big stan of shinee, but I've always loved and appreciated them as a group, and as individuals. I love their music and their personalities. When I heard the news I was in shock, I couldn't, and still can't, believe it's real. I feel like I will soon wake up and this will all be a terrible, terrible dream.

I want all of you to know that if you're going through a hard time in anyway, please talk. Talk to someone you trust, someone that can help you. My inbox is always open for anyone that wants to talk.

Feel free to message me anytime, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. If any of you want to talk about Jonghyun, please do so.

I hope you understand when I say I will not be updating for the rest of the month in his honor. I'm sorry to all my readers, especially those who are waiting for their mini story. I promise to upload them next month.

Please only spread love and peace.


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