Reader stories part 2

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Reader: BTTSTT
Member: V
Concept: fairytale

She waited patiently for the store clerk to come back with her cake. The door opened and a really attractive young man walked in. He looked at her and smiled. They both waited in silence, until he spoke up. "This may sound super random and creepy, but would you like to go on a date with me? It's just you seem very nice and you're also really pretty." She blushed. It was kind of creepy, but also cute in a way. Anastasia agreed to meet the stranger, who introduced himself as Taehyung. They switched phone numbers and promised to meet each other later that day.

A few weeks later:
Anastasia was worried. She had to come clean to him now. Tae deserved to know the truth. He came back from the kitchen with two cans of soda and placed one in front of her. "Tae, can we talk please?" He knew she was being serious and sat down quietly. "I haven't been fully honest with you. I've been keeping a secret you deserve to know of." Taehyung gulped. "I'm well, a vampire. My entire family is actually. Don't be scared please, I'd never hurt you. I can control my hunger. Taehyung nodded slowly. "So the bottles in your fridge, which I thought were sportsdrinks, they are blood aren't they?" Anastasia nodded, scared he would run away fast. But he didn't. Instead he leaned over the table and pressed his soft lips against hers for a moment. "Look, I still love you alright. Nothing's going to change that. You're the girl I love, I would never let you go." Anastasia smiled and softly kissed his cheek. "Thank you for understanding Tae. You have no idea how much that means for me." He smiled softly and carressed her temple with his tumb. "Now, lets get back to dinner and discuss this later alright?" She was more than happy to comply, after all, they would have plenty of time in the future to discuss everything.
Reader: GhastlyChan
Member: V
Concept: Message

Hyorin just came home from work. It had been a rough day and she could really use a nice warm bath now. She dropped her bag on the counter and saw the light of the voicemail. Hyorin pressed play and was welcomed with the deep voice of her boyfriend. Kim Taehyung. "Hey babe, I tried calling you, but you didn't pick up so I figured you are at work. That's why I'm leaving you this voicemail." Hyorin smiled and sat down on a chair in front of the voicemail recorder. "It was a hectic day and I really wanted to talk to you. But this'll have to do for now. I just wanted to tell you that I really miss you. Everything about you. I Know it's only been a few days since the guys and I started this trip, but still. I'll see you in a few days, that's true as well, but for some reason that doesn't stop me from missing you so crazy much. I hope you know how much I love you and care about you. You're so so important to me Hyorin. I love you a lot and I guess I'll call you again in a few hours. Or maybe tomorrow, I don't want to keep you awake because of me. Bye for now my love." And that was the end of his voicemail. Hyorin couldn't stop herself from smiling like a crazy person. How awesome was it that she could call this amazing human being all hers? She stood up and entered the bathroom. She decided on taking the nice bath she promised herself earlier and made a promise to call Taehyung right after. God, how could she love someone that much. 
Reader: @FTMounee (I could find your username on wattpad)
Member: Jimin
Concept: Message

Soari woke up earlier than usual, something told her this day would be special. Ofcourse beside the fact that it was her birthday. She went downstairs and saw her roommate playing a game on his phone. "Saori happy birthday!" He said when he saw her coming down the stairs. "There's some mail for you on the counter." He pointed to a stash of envelopes behind her. She thanked him and took the stash up to her room. Most of them were birthday cards from friends and family, but one in particular caught her attention. It was a letter from Jimin. They had been in a long distance relationship for over two years now and had only seen each other in real life twice. Saori smiled and opened the letter gratefully. The paper inside was filled with sweet words from her boyfriend that instantly made a smile appear on her face. He wished her a happy birthday and promised he'd come visit her as soon as his promotions with the group were finished.
Later that evening Saori just came back from a friend date with Alex, her roommate when she saw a dark figure sitting in front of their door. Saori and Alex exchanged looks and carefully approached the dark figure. When they got closer he stood up and revealed his face. A face she had wanted to see so badly for the past months. Jimin. She smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around him. After they lovingly pressed their lips together they pulled apart. "What are you doing here?" She asked curiously. "You didn't actually think I was going to miss your birthday right?" Saori smiled and kissed his cheek. "Why are you so sweet?" "Because you deserve it." Alex cleared his throat and opened the door. Saori rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah I'll let you two to it, I'm staying over at Michael's place." After Alex left Saori and Jimin spend the rest of the night watching movies cuddled up to each other. This had to be the best birthday ever for her.
Reader: _Princess_909_
Member: V
Concept: Supernatural story

This house was honestly so creepy. Rose often wondered why she had bought it in the first place, but was then reminded of the cheap price. One night she went down to get a glass of water, when she saw a young man standing in the kitchen. She grabbed a pair of scissors from the living room table and made her way to the kitchen. She quickly turned on the lights. "Halt! Stand still!" The man turned around and revealed a young handsome guy around Rose's age. He screamed and so did she. She accidentally dropped the scissors and after she bend down to pick them up the guy was gone. She searched the entire house but she couldn't find him.
That was a year ago. Now Rose knows all about that guy's story. His name was Taehyung and he died in the house years ago. They grew so close Rose was now even able to touch him. Taehyung was hanging out on her couch, like he does the entire day every day. Rose sat down next to him and rests her head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing, just tired." Taehyung smiled and kissed her forehead. "Just go to sleep Rose, I'll spook away all the evil ghosts coming to hurt you." "Very funny. Shut up before I send you into the light." Rose smiled and closed her eyes. "Ay miss." Taehyun whispered softly before kissing her again.

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