Chapter 3

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Liz's POV

"H-hey! Where am I!?" The man who I think is Patrick Stump woke up. "Who are you?"

"I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz. I've been here for a week."

"Oh. My name is Patrick."

"I thought so." I mumble.

"You know me?"

"Yeah. Before I was kidnapped, I listened to Fall Out Boy."

"Oh ok."

Patrick spent the next severall minutes trying to escape the chains we were both attached to. He finally gave up when we heard footsteps coming down.

"I see you two have been introduced to eachother! Great! Where are my manners? My name is Alec, but you will only refer to me as 'sir'. You two will be getting to know eachother very, very well in the time to come." The man named Alec said.

"What do you want us for!?" Patrick yelled.

"You'll find out soon enough. But first, rules. As I said before, when you're talking to me, you will refer to me as 'sir'. When I tell you to do something, you will do it with no questions asked-"

"And why should we do anything you tell us to do?" Patrick exclaimed angrily. "Sir." He added in a soft voice as a scowl crawled over Alec's face.

"Why? Because," he took a small pocket knife out of his back pocket and cut Patrick's cheek slightly. "I said so. Understood?" Patrick and I nodded our heads furiously. "What was that?" He asked.

"Yes sir." We said in unison.

"Great! And that leads me into the next rule: if you refuse to do what is told, I'll have no choice but to punish you. Now, when I am, the less you struggle and resist, the faster it'll be over." He says walking over to me. "What's your name?" He asks with the knife against my cheek.


"Ok, Elizabeth, do you know who the man across from you is?"


"And who is he?"

"P-Patrick Stump." I say nervously hoping me knowing who Patrick is doesn't get either one of us hurt.

"Ok...Well! That's about it for today! So I want to keep you alive, so every Sunday I will bring you your food for the week, so don't waste it. Sunday is tomorrow, so you'll get your food tomorrow." With that, he left and went upstairs, obviously locking multiple locks behind him.

"'d you get here?" Patrick asks.

"Umm, I was leaving the bathroom at the fair."


"How'd you get here?"

"Well, I left backstage at my concert to go get something from the bus."

"Ok." We spent some time in silence until the room got dark and the light flickered on, leaving the room in an eerie yellow.

After some time, I must've managed to fall asleep.

"Wake up!" Alec was slapping my face. "Rise and shine! Today's your first official day with me!" He said with a twisted grin.

He took a knife over to Patrick and placed it on his forehead. Patrick watched the knife with fear as Alec dragged the knife through his skin. He tried not to scream, but he whimpered still. Alec pulled the knife off of him and turned to me.

He walked over and placed the same bloody knife on my cheek. I move my head to try and avoid contact with it. He grabs my head and holds it in place as he slices my cheek. I whimper loudly and struggle to get away.

"I thought I said NO struggling!" He took my arm and carved something into it, leaving a deep cut. I scream in pain. Patrick was trying to get out of the chains and come over to me. He was Alec and Patrick were both swearing then Alec left me and went back to Patrick. He dug the knife into his thigh, leaving a deep gash. He spun the knife around in his flesh and I tried to block out everything that was happening.  "Let that be a warning. I won't be as nice next time."

Finally, Alec left, but not before hastily unlocking the chains and throwing us to the cement ground. He went upstairs and came back down quickly with half a loaf of bread and a gallon of water, stating that was our food for the week.

I crawled over to Patrick and he took me into his arms. I soon start to cry from everything that's happening.

"Hey now, everything's going to be ok." He says softly.

"No it's not." I say, my words muffled in his shirt.

"Come on, let's clean you up."

He ripped a piece of his shirt off and tied it around my arm. "Ow!" I yell. He apologizes and tries to be softer when looking at my head injury.

"It's not bleeding, so I'll leave I alone. Ok?"


He dabs the cut on my face with another piece of shirt then attends to himself. He takes another piece of shirt to tie around his leg. He winces while tying it and I can tell he's trying to stay strong.



"I know you're hurting. It's ok to cry you know. My mommy said that it's not a sign of weakness." He manages a small smile.

"I know, I just think that since I'm the adult, I should try to stay strong, even when I'm hurting."

"I know." He finishes trying to clean his wounds and I pick up the loaf of bread. He splits the bread so there's equal amounts for each day. We both take our slice for the day and I eat it fast.

"When's the last time you ate?" He asks.

"About a week ago. He hasn't fed me since I've been here. I hadn't even seen him until you got here." He nods, hearing what I said. "Why is the man so mean?"

He sighs, "I don't know. Some people are just mean and find joy in hurting other people."

"Is he going to kill us?"

"I don't think so, or else he wouldn't be feeding us. And I think he said he wanted to keep us alive. It could be much worse."

We each take a sip of water then sit against the wall. I shiver because it's so cold.

"Are you cold?" He asks.


"Here." He takes his jacket off and gives it to me.

"But now you'll be cold!" I exclaim. "How about we share."

I go over to him and climb in his lap and lay down. He wraps the jacket around the two of us and we fall asleep.

Trapped: Kidnapped With Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now