Chapter 8

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Liz's POV

I didn't really sleep last night. A couple hours maybe. I couldn't keep my mind off who was screaming. My gut says it was someone in my family, but my heart says it wasn't. Whatever Alec does, I don't want him to pull my family into it. It's bad enough he's already got me and Patrick, there's no need for anyone else.


"Patrick," I say lightly shaking him. We've made an unspoken agreement that we will wake each other up if he's coming.

"Hmm?" His eyes flutter open. He must hear the footstep and immediately becomes alert.

"Hello! Hello! Hello! I've got a special surprise for you girl!" He walks closer and grabs my hair, tugging me towards one of the rooms. He pushes me in and I see a large window showing the insides of the next door room. And inside is-

Everyone I know.

"No! You monster! How could you!" I spit at Alec then turn to the window. "Mom! Dad! Rachel! Grandma! Grandpa! Kallie!" I pound on the glass and everyone in there wakes up and sees me. It's literally everyone of my relatives and friends.

"Lizzie! Sweetheart! We're gonna get you out of here." My mom screams.

"Mommy!" I sob.

"Alrighty! That's enough for now." Alec says and drags me away and locks the door behind him. He throws me on the ground with Patrick again.

Alec leaves and I cry into Patrick's chest.

"Shh. Shh. What's wrong?" He asks rubbing my back.

"A-Alec t-t-took m-m-my f-family!"


"H-he has t-t-them in a l-locked room!"

Patrick sits continuing to rub my back with a loss for words.

After what couldn't have been more than an hour, Alec comes back down. Without speaking to us, he goes back into the room with my family and I hear screaming. When I turn my head, he has Rachel by the hair.

"No! Stop! Please! I'll do anything! Please!" Rachem sobs. He pulls on her hair more as a result.

Then Alec chains her to wall, in the same place where he chained me when I first woke up here. He shoves Patrick into chains on the wall diagonal from her, then comes for me. He puts me in the chains across from her. Then he shoves my head into a restraint, so I can't turn my head. Finally, he puts a thing that has the general shape of a clothespin on my face to keep my eyes open. Whatever he's going to do, it's going to be monstrous if he's making sure I can't look away.

He backs up and stands in the middle of the room.

"Okay, today we have a special show, made specifically for you Lizzie," he says with a snarl.

Alec turns to face Rachel and pulls out a knife.

"No! Don't! Leave her out of this! Please!" I scream and Rachel sobs.

Without saying anything more, he moves towards her with the knife. He carefully traced her face before pushing pushing the knife through her cheek. She screams in pain, but Alec keeps a straight face. Then he leaves and goes upstairs, only to return quickly holding a box. He opens it and I catch a glimpse inside to see an assortment of weapons. He chooses another knife, then stabs it through her other cheek. Rachel howls in pain.

"Please! Stop! Do it to me! Please! Just stop!" I yell through sobs.

"You're heartless bastard! What did she ever do to you?" Patrick yells. Alec turns sharply and pull a tag out of his pocket covered in who knows what. "What the hell are y-!" He cuts Patrick off and ties the rag around his mouth as a gag, then proceeds to go back to Rachel.

Alec chooses a large knife and uses it to cut off Rachel's shirt and pants. Then he uses it to carve a word into her stomach: FIRST. He places the knife back in the box and pulls out a dagger. He starts at her shoulder and digs the dagger down into the flesh and pulls it down her arm and into her fingers. Once he reaches the end, he does the same with the other arm. Without wasting any time, he grabs a second dagger and stabs both of her thighs.

With a fleeting glance at me, he pulls out a gun. He trains it on Rachel.

"NO! PLEASE!" I scream through choked sobs.

He only laughs.

Then he pulls the trigger. A single bullet is released and goes through Rachel's head.

Alec takes off Patrick's gag and he immediately starts yelling.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Why'd you shoot her? She did nothing to you! You're insane! I'm gonna kill you!"

Alec laughs maniacally then strides back to Rachel's lifeless body.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" I yell. "I hope you rot in hell!"

He releases the chains and lets her drop to the ground. He turns her on her back and takes the knives and daggers out of her. Then he grabs another tool from his box. It looks like an icecream scoop, but it has a serrated edge around it. He sets it on the ground and takes a small bowl out of the box. Alec proceeds to take chunks of her flesh out of her thighs and stomach, but leaving his carving untouched. Finally, he drags the body back into the room and leaves it. All I hear is an ear piercing scream, followed by heart wrenching sobs.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Patrick yells.

"Just getting myself a little snack." Alec says and brings the bowl upstairs. He comes back down and picks up his things, then releases Patrick and I. Finally he goes upstairs.

I'm unable to get any words out and just fall into Patrick's arms. I sob into his chest until the tears won't fall anymore and I'm just choking.

This isn't fair. I didn't ask to be kidnapped. I didn't ask for my sister to be killed. I can't deal with this anymore. It's one thing to be taken from your family, and another to get your family back, just to watch them die.

Just when I think today is over, Alec comes back down with his bowl. He then takes his fork and stabs a piece of meat. Then he eats it.

"Stop!" I yell. I don't bother trying to do anything more because I know it's no use. No matter what I do, Alec still will continue to terrorize me. Patrick seems to think the same things and just glares at him and pulls me closer.

Eventually, Alec goes back upstairs and we fall asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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