Chapter 6

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Patrick's POV

I haven't been here for a week and I've discovered Liz is stronger than me. She tells me that it's okay to be hurt, it's okay to cry, it's okay to feel defenseless. Whereas I've only been able to tell her it's going to be okay. We both know it's not, at least not for now. There's only a negative outlook for the future. Liz is 20 years younger than me and she's the only thing keeping me from finding something sharp and killing myself. I know it's bad to say that, since I've got a wife and I'm supposed to be a father in less than a month. But when Liz is the only positive I can be around, she's the one keeping me alive. I just hope we can get out of here and go back to our old lives.

Liz starts shaking in my arms and at first I think she's cold so I wrap my jacket around her tighter, but it continues. I shake her shoulders and yell her name until her eyes nearly pop out of her head and she grabs onto my tattered shirt. Another nightmare.

I don't ask what it was about because I already know. I pull her close and let her rest her head on my best for awhile. But eventually I have to let her go because we need to eat. I don't when Alec will be back down here, so we should eat something.

We eat our rations of bread and water. Then we wait. Wait for the thud thud thud of Alec's feet walking down the stairs. The sound that guarantees the next minutes will last a century, as he uses our bodies as his own personal canvas to create and destroy through the use of his tools: fists, chains, and knives. The sound that causes us to stop what we're doing and wait for thuds to stop, and the click of the key unlocking the door. Then the creak of the door as it opens and the devil himself walks through the doorframe and prepares his form of torture for us.

So we wait. For nearly 2 hours. Then the thuds start and come to a stop outside the door. The click happens and the creak occurs.

"How are we today?" Alec says sporting his usual devilish grin. He walks in and closes the door. His steps towards us echo in the silence of the room. "Wednesday. The middle of the week. You ask yourself, 'what fun do we get to have today?'" He grins again. "Now I! I've got the answer! But, before I reveal, both of you, undress."

Liz looks at me with horror and I just stare at Alec blankly. I have a feeling I know where this is going, and I refuse.

"Now! Now!" He cries. "Why are you both just sitting there! Did I not make self clear! Take off your clothes!"

"No." I state simply.

"What?" Alec says taking a step towards Liz and I.

"No." I repeat, this time louder.

Without saying anything, he pushes Liz off me and grabs my neck. My hands go to my throats and try to pry his fingers off. He starts to lift his arm and forces me off the ground. I stand against the wall with his fingers grasping tightly around my throat. It gets harder to breath I start to see little spots in my vision. Then he lets go. I collapse to the floor and feel my neck where his hands were.

"Now, what are you two going to do?" He growls.

"Take our clothes off." Liz says in a voice barley above a whisper.

She starts to slip her shirt off and Alec slaps the back of my head when I don't do the same.

"I suggest you follow the girl's example if you don't want anything to happen to her." He tells me through gritted teeth.

Soon we're both standing naked on the cool, hard cement floor. Alec gives us a look of satisfaction and starts giving us instructions.

"Now, as much as I'd love to do the honors myself, I'm giving you one-just one-chance to do it on your own. I need a child, and you two are my producers. Patrick, if you don't want me to have sex with the pretty little thing, you must."

Me? Why does he even think I'd do that to Liz? There's no what I'm doing it. But on the other hand, I nearly 100% sure Liz doesn't want Alec to rape her.

She looks at me with eyes saying please don't let him do that to me. Even though it goes against my morals, I give Alec a slight nod to say: I'll do it. Liz lets out a small breath, that she had obviously been holding it until an answer was made.

"Great! I'll just wait upstairs. But don't think you can get away without doing it, I've got a camera watching you 24/7."

Alec leaves and I'm left with Liz.

"Patrick?" Liz says quietly.

"What?" I reply softly.

"Please don't do it."

I knew this was going to happen. Liz was going to not let me do anything. I don't want to do anything, but it'd be easier if she just let me get it over with.

"I'm sorry Lizzy. I have to. He'll hurt us both if I don't."

"But I don't want it!"

"I know, but if we don't do what we're told, he's going to hurt us!"

"What's taking so long!" The door opens angrily and Alec barges in. "Okay, I'm going to stand here, and if I don't get a show in the next minute, I'm intervening."

"Liz! Come on!" I exclaim desperately.


"THAT'S IT!" Alec yells. He grabs Liz's wrist and puts her in the cuffs from a couple days ago. I follow them and Alec points to her. "There! No more struggling. Just do it already!"

I can't do this. This isn't right. No one can make me rape a 10 year old girl. Not even Alec. This is against everything I stand for. I don't do anything. I just stand there blocking out the events folding out in front of me.

"DO IT!" Alec screams in my face, but I'm unphased. "IF YOU WON'T, THEN I WILL!"


Alec rips off his own clothes and forces himself into Liz. Liz howls in pain and screams and tries to get out of the cuffs. And I do nothing. Alec moans in pleasure and Liz screams more.

Eventually, it's finally over and Alec puts his clothes back on, unlocks the cuffs, and proceeds to leave us alone.

Liz and I go back to our usual room and put our tattered clothes back on. We sit in our usual corner and Liz crawls up next to me, sobbing into my chest. When she calms down, she asks:

"Why didn't you help me Patrick?"

Why did I help her? It's not because I couldn't. It's because I was selfish and put myself before her. She's younger and was the one being raped, I should've at least tried to help her. I should've taken the beating that would inevitably come after. But no, I was afraid of getting hurt. I was selfish and let her get hurt instead of me. I don't say that though. I just sigh and say, "I don't know."

I expect Liz to get mad at me, to yell at me, but she doesn't. She remains silent and soon I hear her breathing even out, signifying she's fallen asleep.

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