Leo's got a girlfriend!

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Hello, sorry I haven't posted. I'm NOT, I repeat, NOT going to post every day. So deal with it. (Proceeds to put shades on)


Leo: Well, that went better than expected.

Kat: Yeah. (Blushes)

Leo: I-I was planning to tell you in the woods-but-

Kat: Percy happened.

Leo: Heheh. Yeah.


Percy: Argh! Kat is being so difficult!

Poseidon: Perseus..

Percy: Dad.

Poseidon: (rises out of the water) Percy, I know siblings can be difficult. I should know because I have eleven of them.

Percy: It's just.. I don't wanna lose Kat again.

Poseidon: I have those same emotions with my brothers and sisters.

Percy: It's like, I just got her back, and now, I'm afraid I'm gonna lose her.. To Leo.. Scared he's gonna take her away..

Poseidon: Well, the young girl is in love, so it's best you let her cool off, for a few days. But you should try talking to her.

Percy: Ok. Thanks, Dad.


Leo: Kat..

Kat: Yeah.

Leo: Can you.. Come to the forest? I need to talk to you.

Kat: Y-yeah. Let's go. (Touches pendant and turns invisible)


Leo: So.. You know I-I like y-you, right?

Kat: Y-yeah. (Goes uninvisible)

Leo: I-I.. Wanted to a-ask.. Uhm..

Kat: Yeah? (Blushing so hard)

Leo: Kat, uh.. W-will you.. B-be my girlfriend?

Kat: Leo, y-you're not serious?

Leo: W-what?

Kat: You ding-bat, of course.

Leo: Oh thank the gods.

Annabeth: (takes cap of invisibly off) So when's the wedding?

Percy: I wouldn't be surprised if he popped the question right now!

Kat: (blushes in anger) PERCY!!

Leo: D-did you..

Kat: H-he did, didn't..

Percy: I needed to make sure you weren't getting touchy with her.

Annabeth: Percy! She doesn't need that! We were here to keep an eye on Leo. Cause once a child of Hephaestus accidentally burned up a child of Poseidon.

Kat: L-Leo wouldn't do that!

Percy: Maybe not on purpose. But he could accidentally.

Kat: Wh-How?



Fire and Water don't mix, or do they? (Leo Valdez x my character Kat fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now