My best friend is a daughter of Zeus. (Chapter 2)

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Hey, guys! Hope you like my story! Please let me know if there's anything wrong with the storyline! I haven't read all the books. I'm going off the book 1. So correct me if I'm wrong, and I will update! Also, yes, I know that is a pic of Thalia grace. It kinda looks like what I imagine my character Lanie looks like.

Kat: Percy.

Percy: Yeah.

Kat: When the summer ends, what do you do?

Percy: Well, most of the stronger gods, like ares, Apollo, etc. stay year round. Minor gods, like Aphrodite, and Dionysus go. Their scent isn't that strong so they can manage a few months outside of camp.

Kat: And what do you do?

Percy: Well.. I go.

Kat: So- changing the subject. What would you if your little sister fell in love with someone here?

Percy: I'd beat them to a pulp.

Kat: So. Erhm- (conch horn blows)


Kat: (gathers water and rides it into a tree) or I could do this.

Percy: good idea. (Does the same)


Leo: (jumps from a branch) Hewo.

Kat: WAH! Oh. Hey.

Percy: Hey, Leo.

Leo: Who's that?

Percy: "That" Is my sister.

Leo: Name. Please.

Percy: Her name is-

Kat: Kat. My name is Kat. First thing you need to know- I do NOT tolerate being called a "that". Second- I hate when people talk to other people about me, in front of me, like I'm not there.

Leo: (puts hands up in surrender) Okayyyy.... Made your point.

Percy: (whispers) If you ever touch her, or so much as make goo goo eyes at her- I WILL BEAT YOU TO A PULP.

Leo: Please. Don't.

Kat: You know I just spied on that whole convo, right?

Percy: (looks next to him and there's a water bubble there) WAH! Kat, basically, I'm your big bro, AND I DONT WANT YOU TO BE IN LOVE.

Kat: Well, that's surprising, since your girlfriend is right there.

Annabeth: Hello, Percy.


Annabeth: You should let her fall in love with whoever.

Percy: Bu-

Annabeth: You need to let her be her. I know, your big bro instincts are kicking in. SURPRESS THE HECK OUT OF THEM.

Percy: Scary lady.

Annabeth: WHAT.


Lanie: Eyo. (Turns back from water vapor)

Kat: Lanie. You. Freaking. Scared. Me.

Lanie: Sorry. Who's that tattered-looking guy?

Leo: I'm a son of Hephaestus, thank you.

Kat: Lanie. This is Leo, son of Hephaestus.

Lanie: Pleasure to meet you.

Leo: I assume your Lanie then?

Lanie: Yep. (Drops necklace on the ground) Crap.

Percy: I'll get it.

Lanie: No, Percy, I'll get-

Thalia: ILL get it. (Uses powers to make necklace float off the ground into Lanie's hand)

Lanie: Oh that's cool. Zeus?

Thalia: Yep.

Lanie: Percy, do you have any idea why that fury said give it back?

Percy: Specify.

Kat: So, the fury grabbed her, and said "give it back!" Was something stolen?

Percy: Poseidon's trident is missing, and he's mad at Zeus, but I don't see why the fury attacked Lanie.

Kat: You don't think-

Percy: No, I don't- yes, it's possible.

Lanie: I know this secret language. Guys why do you think that I'm a daughter of- (a lightning bolt appears above her head). Well. And now we know.

Thalia: And I have another sibling.

Lanie: Another?

Percy: She hasn't met Jason yet, has she? (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I'm correct that Jason is a son of Zeus?)

Leo: Obvious.

Kat: Lanie, that's so cool! You're my cousin! I think. If I'm right, then I have a lot of cousins.

Percy: Yeah everyone has a lot of cousins.

Lanie: Cool!!! (Conch horn blows)

Percy: Wait, who won the game?

Kat: You seriously did not see me sticking my arm out for the past thirty minutes? I was finding the flag with water.

Percy: No. I'm blind. XD


Leo: Hey, Kat?

Kat: (stops in the doorway) Yeah.

Leo: Tomorrow during lunch, do you wanna-uh- go to the lake behind your cabin and swim?

Kat: Yeah. Why?

Leo: Nyah, just to get to know you better.

Kat: K, night Leo.

Leo: Night, Kat.

Percy: Lovebirds.

Kat: Percy, shut up.

Fire and Water don't mix, or do they? (Leo Valdez x my character Kat fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now