I go to Camp Half-Blood (chapter 1)

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Hey, guys! If you're just starting to read this, then when you're done, go check out my new story, called, "Electricity is in my blood. (Ms. Perigrine's home for peculiar children fanfic)" Thanks, bye!

Hi, I'm Kat. Kat Lilith. I'm a half-blood. Half human, half god. Demi-god is our actual name, but we prefer to be called half bloods. This is my story.


Kat: (alarm) Uggghhh...

Ms. Lilith: Kat, it's time for school. Get up.

Kat: But I don't wanna. Too early.

Ms. Lilith: I'm making blue pancakes.

Kat: JOJO SIWA NOW?!! (Dance moms anyone? XD)

Ms. Lilith: Take a shower, and they'll be ready.


Kat: Bye, mom!

Ms. Lilith: Bye, sweetie.

Kat: (walks out the door)

Lanie: Hey, Kat!

Kat: Hey, Lanie!

Lanie: Can I see your schedge?

Kat: Sure. (Hands her the schedule)

Lanie: Wierd. We have the exact same schedge.

Kat: Erhm.. K why is that wierd?

Lanie: Well..

Kat: And?

Lanie: It's wierd!

Kat: ....

Lanie: Ugh- Nevermind.

Kat: Weeellll.. We're here.

Lanie: Be prepared.


Kat: (puts hood up) I don't like to be noticed.

Lanie: Well, we won't be noticed if we don't look like a terrorist!

Kat: I do no- Yes, yes I do.

Leilani: Hey! I'm Leilani!

Kat: And I'm nobody. Good bye! (Walks away)

Leilani: I smell a half blood. An especially powerful one. Like Percy and Thalia. I need to tell Chiron.


Leilani: Chiron?

Chiron: Yes, child?

Leilani: I was just at the school, and I smelled two half bloods.

Chiron: And you come to me, why?

Leilani: Well.. They smelled especially powerful. Like Percy.

Chiron: Both?

Leilani: Yes. They both smelled like the big three.

Chiron: I will convince the Latin teacher to.. Take a break.. (Lightning thief reference, anyone?)

Leilani: Well, let's go!

AT THE SCHOOL (oh the ideas I have at 10:30 pm. XD)

Leilani: Hey, Kat!

Kat: (puts hood up) Uggghhh....

Chiron: (btw this is now Mr. Khile) Hello, I assume you're Kat.

Kat: Yeah.

Mr. Khile: Well, I'm Mr. Khile.

Kat: Mkay.. And good day.

Mr. Khile: That one of the strong god scents you picked up, Leilani?

Fire and Water don't mix, or do they? (Leo Valdez x my character Kat fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now