CHAPTER ONE ( The Beginning )

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Okay for one what are you even talking about there is nothing going on here, it never has and it never will. And two we are done its in the past get over it, hell, get over me. There is a me and there is a you but there is no we. You both had ur chances but u took advantage of them and now this happened, this goes for the both of u.

5 Months eariler

"GIRL GET YO ASS UP. How u gone have a alarm and still end up late to school every damn day. This my seventh time in the past 30 min. I swear!!!" My mom yelled from the doorway entering my room.

At this point I should have been on my way downstairs getting something to eat but instead my eyes were shut and I was laying down in my bed half sleep hearing my mom yell. I was zoning in and out. So I got up and got in the shower, u know the daily morning routine, then I got dressed and grabbed my shit so I can leave. On my way out I grabbed a protein and nutrition bar and left. Before I went to school I headed to Starbucks to get a latte, boring anyways but since I was already late it didn't matter to me. My first period was boring and pointless and we ain't learn shit in that class.

Anyways when I got to school I heard some girl laughing and saying some shit I didn't know if she was talking to me or bout me but I was ready for something to go down. I headed straight to my locker and got on my socials then I heard more bitches talking in the corner. They kept looking at me. So I asked them if there was a problem and they said.."Nah we cool" and walked past me then I continued to get on my socials and get my supplies ready for class. Finally I was done, I put my phone in my back pocket and started to walk to the principal. I asked for a pass and she gone say.." U have been late almost everyday this month and its only the beginning of the school year". When she said that I knew she had something else to say so I asked her " So what the problem is". She looked at me as if she could something to me but she couldn't so then she said," You have to serve two after schools this week". I took a deep breath as I sighed and rolled my eyes. She followed up with a..." You can choose the days" as she gave me a fake smile.

" So can I get my pass or nah..?" "Here and lose the attitude" she said as I snatched it and walked away. I was heading back to class when I heard "BITCH SQUARE UP DEN!!! WE CAN GET IT CRACKIN' RIGHT FUCKING NOW HOE!!!!" I saw the new girl walking towards a group of three girls as she was taking out her earrings. It was nothing new for all my past two years of being here I saw the same thing go down almost every month. I knew she was gonna get jumped and I didn't like any of the girls anyway they were all so fake. "BITCH U AIN'T SHIT" "YEAH" "U MESSED WITH THE WRONG GIRLS TODAY" they shouted. By this time everyone was out in the hallway.

Everyone was rooting for who they wanted to win, I even heard a few boys next to me bidding and most pulled out their phone and started taking pictures and videos. The fight wasn't over but it had to end because the teachers and officers had to stop it. Two of the girls who helped gang up on her were handcuffed and sent to the office while the one who got ganged up on and the third girl was sent to the principals office. I greeted my best friend Madison. She told me that she had work today so she couldn't come over. I wasn't happy of course but I told her I got tired of that and she told me she could get me a slot for the next job interview tomorrow. I wasn't happy to work but I was happy to do something after school with my best friend almost everyday. I told her to holla at me after the first period. After first period she found me and told me she had good news. She told me that her brother is coming back to her and her mom. Their parents were divorced and at the time he was with his dad but now he was coming back home. I met him once and that was when we were seven and eight years old. But other than that I didn't know him. I told her that was great and I was looking forward to seeing him anytime soon now. His name was Mason and he was twins with Madison. But not identical. Finally school was over and I had no homework. I decided to text Madison.

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