chapter 2: new mission

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~Aimi's POV~

I woke up in a small clearing in what seems to be a forest. Looking around, I noticed the big fur ball laying down, fast asleep. I stood up and walk towards him.

"Why did you knock me out?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"If I didn't, you were going to keep overworking your body." He said rather lazily. "Well, I think you better wake up before that friend of yours gets worried." He said going back to sleep.

"Lazy ass." I mumbled with a roll of my eyes before fading away from my mindscape.

~Haruki's POV~

I finished telling the Hokage about the mission when I heard a soft groan from the couch, I turned around to see that Aimi was finally awake.

'New record.'

"How long was I out?" She asked.

"About 30 minutes." I answered.

"Hey jii-jii." She said walking over to the Hokage and hugging him.

"Do we have another mission, Hokage-sama?" I asked respectfully.

"Yes, but this one is just for Aimi." He said.

"Just for Aimi/me?" Aimi and I asked in shock.

"But we work as a team." Aimi said, she did not sound pleased.

"I understand that, but I need you to enter the academy and keep an eye on Mizuki. He's been acting rather strange lately." The Hokage stated.

"If Haruki doesn't go with me, I'm not doing it." She said childishly, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away with a huff.

I smiled a little while the Hokage sighed.

"Fine, I had a feeling you were going to say that." He said rubbing his temples. "Both of you will start the academy tomorrow so get some rest."

"Hai!" We said and shunshined away.

~Aimi's POV~

After we shunshined out of the Hokage's office, I said goodbye to Haruki and went home. When I arrived, I quickly unlocked the door and went in.

"I'm home!" I said walking inside, silence. "Naruto-nii?" No answer. "I guess he's still not back from the academy." I mumbled.

I went to the kitchen and made some instant ramen for me and Naruto. When I finished eating I left a note for nii-san saying that his food was in the stove and then I went to take a shower.

"Well, I wonder when is Naruto getting home." I said to myself, I was bored and sat down upside down on the couch.

"In 3...2...1." Kurama-nii said and the door opened to reveal a tired Naruto.

"Hey nii-san, how was your day?" I asked sitting up right.

"It was awesome, BELIEVE IT!" He yelled.

"Drop the act Naruto, it's just you and me here, ya know!" I said cringing about his loud volume.

"Hehe sorry." He said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Got carried away."

"Guess what."

"What?" He asked. "Got a new mission?"

"Yup~" I said happily.

"You're almost never home." I heard him mumble.

"I'm going with you to the academy." I said and he beamed.

"Really?" He asked excitedly.

"Really." I said smiling at him. "Oh, almost forgot your ramen is in the stove you just got to heat it up a little." I yawned. "I'm going to bed."

"Okay, night Aimi-chan!" He said and went to the kitchen happily.

"Night Naru-kun." I went to my room and fell asleep the second my head landed on my pillow.

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