chapter 6: graduation exam

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~Aimi's POV~

Naruto and I got to class early today, so the only ones in the room were us and Sasuke. We sat in silence until the others begun to fill into the room. I was sitting between Naruto and Sasuke. Iruka-sensei came in soon after the other students.

"Okay, we will now start the final exam. When your name is called proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on the clone jutsu." Iruka-sensei read off a piece of paper.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Naruto tense, that's his worst jutsu.

"You'll do fine nii-san, trust me." I said, encouraging him.

"Haruki Hyūga!"

I looked over at Haruki and smiled, he smiled back. When he came back he had a headband tied on his forehead.

"Naruto Uzumaki!"

"Do your best." I smiled and he nodded.

When he came back I saw a look of disappointment on his face. 'Oh Naruto.' I thought sadly. 'I knew I should have taught him the shadow clone jutsu.' I mentally scolded myself.

"Aimi Uzumaki!"

"Hai!" I stood up and walked towards the testing room. I saw Iruka-sensei and Mizuki sitting at a table full of leaf forehead protectors. I walked to the middle.

"Replicate." Iruka-sensei looked at his clipboard. "3 clones."

'Should I pass or should I fail?' I thought.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" I whispered, doing the required hand sign and creating 3 perfect clones.

'I'll make it up to you, nii-san.'

"You pass." Iruka-sensei said, smiling at me and Mizuki did not look pleased but hid it with a fake smile.

'The thing is... they don't seem to have noticed that they were solid clones.' I sweat dropped.

I grabbed a forehead protector and hid it, then I walked out to find Naruto.

I found him sitting on the swing with a depressed look.

"Nii-san." I called and he looked up.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"I passed." I admitted and sat down next to him, he looked down again. "It's okay, nii-san. You'll do better next time."

~third person POV~

"There you see them?" A mother pointed to the duo.

"It's them, the boy and girl. I heard only one of them passed." Another replied.

"I don't understand why they would allow that, I mean they're the ones who.--"

"Sh.. we're not allowed to talk about that." The other one shushed her.

~Aimi's POV~

I did my best to ignore the two gossiping women and pat Naruto on the back in comfort.

"Hey Naruto, can I talk to you?" Mizuki asked, giving us a fake warm smile.

"Can I go too, Mizuki-sensei?" I asked, trying my best not to spit the word 'sensei' out like poison. He fake smiled again and nodded.

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