What is she doing.

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Part 1
Sandor's POV:

"Your daughter will do well in the capital. Her children will be Princes, and Princess. You should feel honored, Benjen."

Sandor couldn't help overhear Ned speak to his brother, as they rode in front of him.

"I know, and I am honored by King Robert is choice. But no matter how many times I look at Nymaira, she still looks unhappy. I'm just afraid she won't come around to the thought of marriage. she is like Lyanna you know? Wild and free."

They smiled over the shared memories of their late wolf of a sister.

Sandor couldn't help feel angered by the words. Even while he was the one who broke things off, and backed out, it still hurt. Nymaria still hurt. Her voice, laughter, and smile. All these things, pained him to think of.

Yet none the less, when he closed his eyes, she was what he saw. Regardless of his own personal pain, he found more anger in the thought of Nymaira, being propped up with jewels, and fine gowns, locked away in the capital, only to be of use for the Prince is pleasure and the people is future heir.

Sandor had seen first hand what becomes of Queens, and Princess when they are in Kings Landing. they are shadows to the King. Even with a powerful house backing them, life is not what a young girl dreams of it being.

He knew Nymaira would not fit in. She would not belong in the south. Her heart belonged in Winterfell. In the wild, where she could be the wolf everyone saw her as.

"Come on, don't you want some fresh air?" Sandor looked back to see Nymaira, she was slightly leaning out of the open carriage door, while Arya and Sansa sat back, giggling at her actions.

"Get back in here! you are going to fall." Sansa laughed, as she pulled Nymaira by her shoulders.

"Jealous, because I can go further then you?" Nymaira pulled herself back into the carriage, and Sandor could feel his own stomach clench and twist by the sight of her.

Keep riding, don't think about it.
Sandor thought, as he steered Stranger. Doing his best to put it out of his mind.

For so many years, Sandor was a man of solitude in his work, and emotions.

But Nymaria changed that. Damns, she changed so many things about Sandor. He couldn't wrap his head around.

He couldn't process theses feelings, because he never had experienced them before.

Never had he known, what it was like to care about anyone but himself. That, he couldn't understand. That, was what he didn't want to.

It was a fearful feeling, to wake up every mornings, to see someone is face. Instead of bitterness and work, he felt...purpose in life.

He didn't want this. Yet, he couldn't help this. No matter the ale, nor wine he had consumed, it was never enough of a substitute, for the girl he had come to known.

Nymaira POV: shockingly, the journey to Kings Landing hadn't been as grueling as she first imagined.

But then again, the last time she was on a journey, it had been with father, who's nose was buried in some kind of book half the time.

Now, thankfully, Nymaria had her two cousins, to ease the sting of each boring mile that passed.

She was having so much fun, she hadn't thought much of the pending marriage with Prince Tommen, or the heart breaking drama of Sandor.

Right now, it was just family. She couldn't be happier.

"Ok so, I'm going to be marrying Joffery. Nymaira, Tommen. When are you going to find a little boyfriend, Arya?" Sansa smiled, and sat back into her seat, while Arya made fake gagging noises.

"I'd rather practice, with needle." She smiled with an eager grin. Nymaria did the same, happy for the girl to have found a passion.

"You're a lady, Arya. ladies don't fight. Boys do." Sansa kept her head held high. Remember the lessons her Septa had taught her.

"Oh, now that isn't fair. I've trained with swords, and hand to hand combat. No matter who we are born, it's always good to know. An I quite enjoy it."

Nymaria boasted, while she made sword like, swings towards Arya. But the girl blocked the hits with her arms, laughing.

"Besides, the only love Arya needs to know right now, is Needle. Maybe we could practice sometime." Arya smiled at that.

"I'd love too." It wasn't long for her to answer.

"After we get settled, we should all take a tour of the castle, sneak a seat on the iron throne."

"We can't do that!" Sansa chirped, not even able to contemplate such a thought.

"Why not? Your beloved Joffery will warm it one day, it would only make sense you get familiar with it." Nymaria reminded Sansa.

"Let's do it!." Arya beamed, so excitedly it made Nymaria's heart warm.

"If we do, we just won't bring Sansa." Nymaria bumped Arya's shoulder, as they both giggled towards Sansa, who was rolling her eyes, smiling.

The hours passed, an it was soon time for the horses to have their rest. An for the carriage bound companions, to stretch their legs. Or use the forest for any personal urges they needed to relieve.

"Ahh, it feels good to be rid of that space for a little."

Nymaria cracked her neck, and stretched her arms high over her head.

The fresh air was an extremely reviving smell, Nymaria wanted to take full advantage of the short break they did have.

"A couple of soldiers are going to escort Arya, and I through a small walk, till we have to leave."

Sansa said, as Arya walked up to her and looked up at Nymaria.

"Will you come with us? Please, Nymaira." Arya begged, using her rare, but affective pleading eyes.

"As if I'd pass up such an offer." She smiled, being the first to lead the way of the stroll.

It felt good to have her feet on the ground, once again.

"Nymaira!" The girls all turned, to see the young prince Tommen, running towards them.

"Running away so soon?" He smiled, looking right at Nymaria with a kind smile.

"Of course not, we have no horses, no food. We'd at the very least steal some supplies before our escape."

She joked, as she always did when she felt lost for words.

"We were going for a small walk." She turned back to the girls, an when she looked back, Tommen still had his eyes on her.

"May I join?" Nymaria looked back at Sansa, who was nodding her head. Arya, who was shaking hers.

"You won't notice him, I promise." Nymaria mouthed down at Arya, and turned back to the prince. "Of course, your grace."

I can not say enough how truly sorry I am to anyone who is nice enough to check out this crap story. I know I haven't updated in awhile but I've just been dealing with a lot plus I wasn't sure where to go with the story for right now. Sorry for the shit chapter. As always thanks for reading and have a lovely day :)

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