Chapter 5: Who Was It?

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  • Dedicated to Amrit

Dedicated to mer friend Amrit. (Yes I meant to spell mer like that.)

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Chapter 5: Who Was It?

I followed after Lexi hiding whenever she turned around and kept my distance so she wouldn’t see me. I follow her all the way to Starbucks. Well, that’s not the bathroom. Maybe she’s getting us some coffee? I hope that’s it. Well, there’s only one way to find out.

Putting up my hood, I go into Starbucks and look for Lexi. I see her sit at a table and take out her phone. It looked like she was calling someone. I wonder who. I go and take a seat near her but not too close so I  won’t get caught.

The door opens and I see Zach enter on his phone. He looks around and spots Lexi then hangs up. He walks over towards her and takes the seat across from her. Guess I was right, sadly. I couldn’t hear everything they said, only bits. I heard Zach ask, “When should we start?” and some words from Lex’s reply, but not the whole thing. I noticed them start to wrap their conversation up and shot out of my seat running out of the door and towards the parking lot where my car was. I ot in my car and started it then sat back trying to catch my breath. When I saw Lex come out, I drove over to her. She jumped in the passenger seat and put her bags down.

“Okay. Guess you can drop me home now.”, Lex tells me.

I nod and start driving to Lexi’s house. The car ride was in a comfortable silence as the radio was on and I thought to myself while driving. In retro speck, I guess that idea wasn’t very smart because the next thing I know, Lexi’s shouting, ”Watch out!”, and we crash into a car in front of us. I black out. The next time I wake up, I’m still in the car. Lexi’s unconscious next to me. I see flashing lights. Next thing I know, I’m being pulled in to and ambulance and a paramedic telling me to stay awake but I couldn’t and let the darkness take over once again.

This time, when I woke up, I woke up to a white room and beeping. I look around and realize that I’m in a hospital room. There’s a cast on my right arm. There was a slight pain in my ribs. I’m guessing I broke some. There were some lines hooked in my arm and the heart monitor and other machines. I suddenly remember the accident and Lexi. Where’s Lexi?! Is she okay?! I just remember seeing her unconscious. I don’t know what happened after that. It’s all fuzzy. The door opens and a nurse walks in.

“Ah. You’re awake. I’m Nurse Kelly. Do you remember what happened?”, she asks.

“Um. Yeah. I was in a car accident. Do you know where my friend is? Is she okay?’, I ask the nurse.

“She’s fine. She’s in a room down the hall. The doctor’s checking on her right now then will be here to check on you. Now is there anything you need?’, she tells me.

I shake my head no.

“Oh and your parents are here. Would you like me to send them in now?”, she adds on.

My parents? Weren’t they in Japan or something?

“Yes please. Thank you.”, I tell her.

“No problem honey.”, she tells me then leaves the room shouting the door.

A minute later, the door bursts open and my parents come running to my side, my mom hugging me tightly causing me to wince in pain.

“Sorry. Sorry. I forgot. Oh honey. How’d this happen?”, my mom says stepping back.

“It’s okay mom.”, I turn my head to face my dad, “Hi daddy.”, I tell him.

“Hi baby girl.”, my dad said coming to hug me softly. I hug him back. I missed my parents, but I was closer to my dad than my mom. I was his little princess and was spoiled rotten. When we stopped hugging, I started telling them how this happened. When I was done explaining, my mom hugged me again.

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