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Hey guys. I know that I haven't updated in like forever and I'm soo sorry about that. I've been really busy like school because we just a bunch of tests and i needed to study cause it would effect my placement for high school next year and I also have lacrosse practices. You could say that I'm very active.

But the other thing is that I have this Summer Stage program in the summer for like a month or a month and a half and that takes up basically all day so I'm just telling you guys now that my updates will be very slow until I figure out and updating schedule for myself. 

Again I'm really sorry. But don't stop telling your friends to read this book! I've said it many times before and I'm going to say it more and more. Commenting and voting encourage me to write. Without that i just think that nobody likes my story and wonder if I should even continue writing it or not. So please please please vote and comment. It would mean alot. Thanks.

~Manreet xx

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