I found the light

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As time had went on my happiness seemed to go up down and like an endless roller coaster me and my best friend were spending every weekend together and then it happened. My first girlfriend I never thought that this could happen and shortly after that I found god I found the light and he saved me. From here it all seemed happy I started to look up instead of down but a las careful what you wish for. My girlfriend at the time had me wrapped around her finger ( keep this in mind) I did everything for her whatever she wanted done oh your hungry?, jump?, how high?

For the first time in my life i had felt serenity the lord had truly blessed me and I started to pray every night because I knew GOD was good. Everything seemed like a fairy tale it all happened so fast but fairy tales don't always end well. On the night of my sweet 16 my girlfriend was going to prom with a friend " it's just as friends babe don't worry". I couldn't even enjoy my birthday party I was scared out of my mind, the party was on a Friday her " date" went to a charter school so they had prom on a Friday. It was about 5 that she said she had to go my stomach turned in the worse way possible I did the very best I could to escape this but there was no end to it I felt like complete shit. My best friend had spent the night and he hugged me as we awaited the night to just end.

I prayed so hard that night harder than I ever have for the lord to never take my baby away he didn't exactly do that. Me and my best friend spent the weekend together and I got nothing from her nothing. Monday came my actual birthday and guess what " it's over". Greatest birthday present ever I spent the whole day wanting to cry but how could I in front of hundreds of fellow students. After all that months went by and she stole my best friend, by now I needed a hero and I needed it now all of the people who I had thought were my friends had turned there backs to me and rubbed my ex girlfriend in my face. Junior year comes and so does fast and furious 6 me being a huge fan I went to see it. Now you can laugh all you want but during the movie this woman caught my eye the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I was lost in transition who was she where she has been where have you been all my life?

After the movie I instantly looked her up Gal Gadot hmmmm weird name I did some research and turns out she was a model " married" model. Oh 🐋 I figured that I should make the most of her beauty. At this point I had no friends no one to share her with no one I was all alone but at least I was not lost.

Here comes the rain again. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora