Wonder Maysa

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She came like a speeding bullet I did not expect to meet someone of this Caliber at all but sure enough she was coming for me. Her name is Maysa and she is my best friend the way we met was I had posted a pic of hers and she followed me and one thing lead to another. Me and her had hit off very perfect it felt like a breeze that she came in only thing was the breeze never stopped. It kept coming and coming and every time it did it felt more special me and Maysa are like Dead pool and cable wait not like that exactly we are like brother and sister we are like spiderman and dead pool captain America and Bucky we are best friends forever. She is like the robin that always defends me from the evil that I'm surrounded by she's amazing.

As time went on our best friend ship grew out of control only thing I actually liked it she was about as crazy for gal as I was and it felt so good getting to have two people that shared my interests. Her and Lego joined forces and for once I life I had someone that I could fan boy so hard with without having to be judged for it I could shout to the mountains and she would shout back.  Me and her are like the kids in the movies destined to do this forever and I truly believe that Maysa and I will do this forever because we were meant to meet each Other and share the things we do and love the things we do I truly believe that people are brought together by faith the lord has brought me Maysa in a hand basket and I truly thank him for her I thank the lord for all of the Friends he has blessed me with Maysa is really the greatest best friend any man can ever ask for she deserves all the best things in life cause she brought me the happiness that I needed to Survive. Without her the world really is not the heaven I make it seem that it is I don't make heaven my friends do. And now let's go on to a a well  I'll explain later.

Here comes the rain again. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora