A little piece of heaven

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When I first met him I was just starting out on my account and I came to him with the joy of gal boiling in my heart I wanted to share it with him I wanted to share it I wanted to share the joy that Gal brought me with him. We had met when a friend of mine had wanted to kill himself because Daisy Ridley didn't notice him for his birthday I was need of help bad and he took the time to comment on my post. That right there gave me the hope that he could be so much more to my life and I was damn right Lego batman ( not gonna say his name) is a brother to me he is beyond that he is family he is the brother that I never got to have. After all the steam ended with the boy who wanted to kill himself me and Lego kept on talking for hours we went back and forth about the things we loved. But out of all the things what we talked about one thing had truly struck my mind and my heart. 

We had both loved Gal Gadot and that alone was enough to make us heroes me and him against the world. So we became best friends in just days and it turned into family and now me and him are practically against the world people attempt to stop us from doing the Things we love from showing our love to the people to the community but we always fought back no matter what it took. He will always be the greatest man I have ever known he has truly shown me that I can be something in life. That I can mean something to it that I can conquer my enemies he is one of my many motivations to keep going. If it wasn't for him who would I  truly be able to show love with to gal me and him talk every day and I am truly blessed for that. He is a real man in my eyes he goes out of his way for people he shows that he can do anything for you or anything or anyone.

To this day we have conquered great things together we have already done so much in yet the short time that we have known each other. He is Truly a force to be reckoned and I thank the lord every day of my life for him. He has shown me the true girt of friendship and what it's like to have someone to go when your stressed whenever your mad or sad or just wanna talk to someone he was there and he deserves to be recognized all of my Friends do. But sadly Lego and I are now mortal enemies I do not want to go into it for personal reasons but anyway.

With that being said let's continue on to a very special girl.

Here comes the rain again. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora