The sense of wedding vows were being met by both couples. They both had renewed their vows. Now what was the next step? They came to Cape Town to try and remember how close they actually were. Of course crushes lingered..
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You would think before they left Cape Town, they would want to renew their wedding vows again. The perfect spot for a real African wedding. Maybe live in a tree house. Have elephant ivory for a headboard. Sit in the jungle and listen to the waterfalls and hear the rushing of zebras running. Hear the roar of the tigers and lions. Visits villas and help feed the hungry. Watch some natives dance by the campfires. Be afraid of looking up at Signal Hill. That hard face monster. It used to be a real tall monster. Maybe before they leave Cape Town, South Africa, they will know.
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Should be enjoying this beautiful honeymoon sweet instead of some high class. Give Love A Chance...
Dreaming of Michael got up to go speak to Chocolate Drop Mrs.
"Hello, I was wondering if I could sit here since my wife left me?"
"I was wondering if you would love to sit down since my husband left me"
"Where do you live?"
"I would like to live on the moon"
"That is where I live"
They both looked away...the song was saying something else
When she turned back around, he had not got up at all. Dreaming of Michael was still over in the corner were he had been sitting. So Chocolate Drop Mrs. got up and did the same thing Millicent Nicole Rogers had done earlier
"Hello natives! I am so please to be here. I had an African wedding and here we are in Cape Town, South Africa. I am not afraid of the monster on Signal Hill. I want to stay and visit and mourn my marriage that fell apart. Let me have your blessings"
Chocolate Drop Mrs. sat back down and sipped her tea
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