☪✴ѧ ғѧmous ҡpop ıԀoʟ?✴☪

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~5 Days Later~

At the middle of the morning, an alarm sound on his phone begins to vibrate at the side of Philip's bed as he reaches his phone and grabbed it. He looks at the phone screen with a continuous alarm sound then slides it swiftly where the photo screen pops out from it. Philip stares at the picture he took from what it seems to be the girl he met at the sporting goods shop, he smiled while still staring at the photo screen.


An hour later. Philip, wearing a casual blue long sleeve shirt and jeans, quickly goes downstairs and went towards the kitchen where he saw his brother, Paul reading the newspaper and his wife, Annie who was pouring a pot of coffee for her and her husband.

"Morning." He said with a smile as he sat beside his brother and receives a coffee from Annie.

"Morning, Philip." She smiled back.

"Thanks." he takes a sip of coffee then get a toast of bread from the plate in the middle and takes one bite.

"You're welcome." She puts down the coffee pot on the table and sat beside her husband.

Philip pulls out the phone from his pocket then slides the open screen and stares at the photo for a second until Paul removes his eyes from the newspaper and quietly peeks on the side of his brother's shoulder, wondering what Philip is looking on his phone and saw what he's staring at, is an Asian brown headed girl and quickly snatches his little brother's phone causing Philip to jolt.

"Paul, what the fuck?! Give me back my phone!" he tries to reach his phone from his brother's hand in which Paul stretches his arm away from him . Annie watches them in shock as her husband spoke.

"What's this? Philip? A picture of another girl you're dating?!" he amusingly scolds him while his little brother continues to reach his phone in annoyance.

"N-No, It's not-"

"What picture?" Annie asked in confusion as she took the phone from her husband's hand and looks at the photo screen. Her eyes widen in a mixture of shock and curiosity then looked up at Philip who was nervous. "Please tell me, Is that who I think it is?" She points the picture with her finger as the two brothers faced each other for a second from Annie's sudden exclamation then faces her.

"T-that's Jade, the girl I met at Dad's shop." he answered.

"Jade! You mean the 'Jade Seung'!" She exclaimed with a grin.

"Uh yeah, that's her name." he raised his eyebrow as he continues to ask her. "Do you know her?"

Annie starts to act like a fan girl with an OMG expression as she gives back his phone when Philip reaches it then grabs his phone.

"She was by far, the most popular Korean pop singer in Asia and her songs were way over the edge. And can I ask, did you took a picture of her or you just got it from google, did you?"

"No, I actually took a picture of her and I gotta say when I first met her..." He said with a smirk remembering five days ago. "She was kinda feisty towards me, but cute yet a hot one, I tell ya. And by the way, is she single?" He curiously asked. 'I hope she is.'

"Well, Jade is not the kind of a girl to go on having relationships from that I know of, since her career is much more important than dating boys. So yeah, she's single." Annie shrugged then puts out her phone and shows the video of Jade's concert in YouTube to Philip. "Here! This is her tour concert in Singapore last year, if you don't believe me . And don't worry she sings English here." She presses the play button as the video starts. Philip leans forward to watch curiously along with Paul beside him.

He watches the video and became awed at her emotionally beautiful voice where a lot of her fans cheered while still singing as the song finally ends with a full audience applause and intense cheer.

"Wow, She's amazing." He said with amazement.

"I know right." Annie said happily while Paul just nodded.

"Hey, Annie, do you have Jade's songs in your phone or laptop?" He asked hoping that her sister-in-law kept it in her phone or laptop.

"Yeah, I do. Why? Do you want to download her musics?" She replied while going back to her chair.

"Hell yes!" he exclaimed.

"Okay, I only have five of her songs, 'Almost, 'Someday', 'Gravity', 'love Me The Same' and her new soundtrack 'Golden Sky'. Open your Bluetooth, Phil. I will send them to you."

"Sure." He nodded as he slides the open screen then presses the Bluetooth button on top of the setting screen. "Okay, it's open."

Annie sends all five of Jade Seung's soundtracks to Philip as he successfully receives them.

"Thanks Annie, you're the best." He gives her a thumbs up.

"You're welcome." His sister-in-law winks at him.

"Okay, that's enough of the Kpop idol thingy chat. Philip and I have work at Dad's shop, Honey." He stood up and kisses his wife in the lips.

"Alright, you two stop arguing while at work. Okay?" She scolds them both by pointing at the two brothers.

"We promise." They both said with their eyes rolled annoyingly as the two went out of the kitchen room leaving Annie shook her head in amusement for those boys are going to bicker each other while on their way to their Dad's sporting goods shop.


To be continued...

The next chapter will be Philip seeing Jade again, but this time it will a bit rocky. I hope you enjoy reading my fanfic. Please vote and comment if you like ;)

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