☪✴pһıʟıp's Ԁѧţє✴☪

112 16 1

"What's taking you so long, Philip?"

Paul yelled towards his younger brother who enters inside the store while standing in front of him.

"Here ya go, cappuccino with chocolate syrup." He ignores his brother's question by giving him the slightly melted drink as he took it in return with a disappointed look. "Sorry about that, it got a little bit melted all over." He pointedly said on the melted cappuccino Paul was holding.

"You ignoring my question."

"Okay, I just met someone at the cafe." Philip answers his question as he walked pass him towards his usual place.

"And?" Paul raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

"And I asked her to go on a date with me tonight."

"This isn't one of your 'go on a date at night then having sex that kind of shit' you're doing, right?" He puts his hands on his hips with a stern expression while Philip rolls his eyes annoyingly.

"No, I'm not going to do that." he looked down for a moment then faced him with an expression that his older brother never sees it often. "Not anymore..."

"Oh." He raised his eyebrows with a surprised look. "What makes you change from someone having a date that you usually do with your previous ones?"

"The girl I'm going on a date with... is the one that I told Annie about."

"You mean, the Kpop Idol you mentioned this morning."

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Why? Is she different from the rest of the girls you banged with? I don't think you've changed, not even a bit, Philip. I'm not going to fall for that like last year."

"No it's true, she is different. Even more different than the rest of the girls that I've been with." He didn't want to say the word 'Banged'.

"Ah yes, Um. Remember the last year you are courting with is a 45 year old rich therapist and it didn't go well in the end because you are actually after her money like that Porsche you've got." Paul pointedly said.

"Well, that was in the past." Admitting the part where he remembered dating his ex-girlfriend therapist then brushes off his thoughts and looks at him. "But this time..." He trailed off as his older brother waited for his words then finally he spoke. "The way I feel for her, it's starting to change my past self and I'm beginning to have a-"

"You know, the way you said is totally not you." He cut-off his little brother's sentence as he continued. "Whatever you feel for her is what? Attraction?Infatuation? In love? To a Kpop Idol?" He scoffed by nodding his head side to side. "Seriously, you are going after her 'fame and fortune' like the last year you're with someone who is 15 years older than you."

"Fine." He raised his hands in defeat for his older brother's argument. "Fine, if you don't believe me. But I am still going on a date with Jade, and I will prove to you that I am not after her 'fame and fortune', whether you believe me or not, Paul." He walked pass him by walking towards the door but was stopped by him.

"Philip, where are you going?"

He ignores him then walked out of their father's store with a miffed expression and went towards his Porsche as he rode off with speed.


Philip walked inside the house then walked upstairs to his room. he slammed the door of his room not too hard and removed his shirt frantically with only his pants.

He walked his pace to the bed lying flatly as sighed deeply. Philip took out of his phone from his pocket and slide the screen to open, he goes to the music application to search for songs for him to relax as he scrolled down each list of songs until he stopped scrolling and saw three songs that Jade had sung. He took his earphone at the side of the table cabinet and puts it on his ear as he chooses one of the three songs that Jade had sung then lies his head down on the pillow to finally relax and listen to her new song 'Golden Sky'.

This new music he heard relaxes his thoughts as he smiled continuing to listen. The lyrics he heard were kind of sad and heartbreaking yet it was beautiful, maybe it is possible that Jade had a boyfriend before or has a one-sided first love towards a boy she had been friends with, in her school days. His thoughts swirled around his head with theories about her. He may not be a fan of cliche songs like romantic ones, but this song he heard right now was totally making his face blow away in awe.

As the song ends beautifully, he frowned for he wants to listen to it again. He presses the repeat button then plays the song again. But this time, he sings along with it at the middle of the chorus in a slightly high note of his voice.

When I was barely holding on

And I was down, you held me up

I fought it through the universe

Till you break out through the sky like the stars you are

He continues to repeat the song more than three times now then his eyes were starting to close slowly by going to sleep while still listening to the soundtrack.

An hour has passed as Philip begins to yawn with a deep sound then opens his tired eyes. He turns off the music to save his battery and checks the time on his phone to see that it is now 7:45 pm, he jolts up then gets himself off of bed.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT!" He goes to his dressing drawer and opens it frantically then gets his classic grey button-collar shirt and wears it quickly. As closes all the buttons up with only two of them open revealing his bare chest, he gets the men's body spray on the top of the drawer and sprays his body all over him. He checks his armpit to see if he smells fine as he nodded in approval of himself that he smells fine then walked towards the mirror to fix his hair.

After that, he took his navy dark leather jacket and walked out of room then go downstairs far more quicker not noticing Annie calling him in the kitchen.

"Hey Philip, where are you going?" She called out to him while cooking dinner to see him walking in a quick pace towards the door.

"Uh, I have a date tonight with a girl I really like." He peeped out of the side wall to see his sister-in-law for a moment while he took his biker helmet until he looked down to the item in his hand as he thinks whether he will ride his motorbike or his Porsche. Annie gave him a sarcastic smile then replied.

"Well, you better not screw things up like the last time you hooked up with."

"This time, it's different I promise you." he replied while rolling his eyes in annoyance.

He gives no time to think as he would rather choose his car then leaves his helmet on the table behind. 'My Porsche would be better suited' he thought.

"Anyway! See ya Annie!"

"Oh okay, good luck!" She yell and waved at him as he opens the door and went out of the house.

Philip ran towards his Porsche then starts the engine running and rode off with speed.

'Oh I hope our date still stands.' He thought in a panic mode but tries to be positive.


To be continued...

Oh man, Philip you adorkable idiot! I hope you better make it up to her! She's not your usual type of girl you wanna mess with!

Bye readers! See ya on Sunday^u^

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