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Cadence woke slowly, her mind was fogged and scattered

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Cadence woke slowly, her mind was fogged and scattered. She could hear voices around her, but couldn't make out what they said. For a moment, she simply laid there wondering what had happened, and where she could possibly be, when the memories of Joey, and the wolves played back through her mind. She gasped, and immediately felt hands on her, but still her eyes refused to open.  She could tell immediately, that she was still in wolf form, and the fact made her happy if not surprised.

"Cade, Cade! Wake up, can you hear me?" Cadence finally realized it was Joey speaking to her, and she fought harder to open her eyes, relieved when she was able to open them after a moment of concentration. "Oh thank goddess! You're awake!! I was so scared that you'd die..."

Cadence could hear the emotions in the boy's voice, and felt bad that she was the cause. Blinking the blur away from her eyes, she took the time to look around. Her body stiffened with realization. "J-Joey, where am I?" Cadence knew the answer some how before he'd even asked, but couldn't figure out how they'd gotten there, or how they'd survived.

"You're in my territory." When Cadence turned her gaze sharply to meet Joey's, she could see what appeared to be guilt in his eyes, but at the moment, didn't care. This was the first time she'd seen the boy beneath the fur and she had to agree with her already formed impression. Joey was a cutie. His shaggy black hair, his lightly tanned skin. Cadence could tell that he would be a lady killer when he got older.  "It's my fault you got hurt. Jake was just trying to protect me and he attacked you.."

Cadence at first couldn't figure out what he was talking about. Who was Jake? Then she pieced it together. Her head went back to the pillow, she wanted to laugh. Of course they'd attacked her. Pack's didn't trust rogues, and Cadence could agree that the feeling was mutual.  Cadence was lost in her own mind, when she suddenly realized that Joey was still talking to her. "Then my brother agreed to be your guardian and we brought you back.  You were in a fever for a few days, and brother wouldn't let me see you because he said you were out of your head and could hurt me, even unintentionally... This is the first day the fever has broken.."

Cadence's eyes widened, "wait! You said a few days? How long exactly have I been asleep?"

Joey was about to open his mouth, but was cut off when his brother answered the question for him. "It took one day to get back to the pack house. By then, infection had set in. You've been out a total of five days." Connor didn't want to admit that he'd also feared that she'd die. She'd been in the thorns of a terrible fever, and he wasn't sure if she could make it out. He had obviously been proven wrong. She had made it, and right now the female stared at him through narrowed eyes.

"Five days? This is really your pack?" Cadence didn't want to talk to the brother, for some reason her mind went in directions that weren't what she was supposed to be thinking, and she couldn't let a handsome face distract her. When Joey nodded, Cadence sighed. This was it, this was her goodbye. She could actually feel her heart throb with pain and hurt. She was fond of the little one, and would miss his company. "Then I should be on my way. You've made it back to your family, and that was the entire reason we were together." Cadence sounded a bit harsher than she ever wanted, but she couldn't have Joey clinging to her, not now. She was rogue and she'd never be accepted into a pack.  She refursed to looked at Joey, to see the hurt in his eyes.

"Joey why don't you run along." Connor said, not wanting his brother to break down crying right then. Connor understood exactly what was in the rogues head, and he had to admire her for it. Joey had explained in great, if not a bit exaggerated detail what had happened. The rogue hadn't taken him, but rather had defended him, and promised to see him home. Regardless of her status in life, Connor owed her his brother's life. And now, she laid there near tears herself as she turned his brother away. Connor watched, and shut the door behind Joey as he left then turned back to the female.

"You don't have to order me, once I'm able to get out of this bed I will be off your lands." The female said before Connor could say anything. His lips thinned, he hadn't been about to order her off his lands, and he felt a pinch of something as she made her opinion of him clear. She thought he would make a wounded person go back out there to survive? Okay, so rogues weren't his concern, but even if she was a rogue he had given Joey his word.

"I wasn't going to say that. I simply wanted to know how you were? Perhaps you could shift. It would make this all easier." Connor suggested with gentleness that he didn't know he possessed.

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