Cadence has no memory beyond when she woke in No Man's land two years ago. Her only option is to survive. As hard as it is to fend for herself, she finds a lone pup who simply doesn't belong in such harsh lands.
Alpha Connor Slade.
Though he and hi...
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Cadence had decided that it was wise to wait a few days before heading out, it gave Joey's muscles time to heal from the obvious exertion he'd put them through and her time to gain his trust.
Thankfully, it hadn't take Joey long to warm up to Cadence, and soon enough he was following her on all of her hunts. At first, Cadence wasn't happy about the pup following her, because she was sure he'd scare away anything that would be dinner, but was surprised when the boy seemed to learn quickly. It had been a bonding experience not only for Joey, but for Cadence. She'd been alone so long, that she forgot what it was like to have company.
Cadence woke to something nudging her face, her mind was slow and groggy from sleep and her eyes were fuzzy when she opened them. She had to blink a few times so that she could see clearly. When her mind, eyes and body had caught up, she looked down at Joey. "What's wrong Joey?"
The pup seemed hesitant to speak, but the odd feet movement gave Cadence the idea of his problem. "Do you need a moment outside?" When Joey nodded eagerly, Cadence laughed and stood. "Follow me." Cadence wasn't surprised that Joey stuck so closely to her, it was still cold outside and worse, they both knew they had to travel in it. Cadence had made a promise to get the pup home, and she would keep it. "Go, but don't move to far away." Cadence said as she stopped outside.
Joey took off, and Cadence took the time to stretch her muscles. She would love to eat first, but she knew she wouldn't find anything so early. They'd have to deal until later, when it was a bit warmer. Cadence's ear's twitched as the caught the sound of Joey moving around. She smiled as she watched the pup prance around. "Feel better?"
"So much better, are we leaving now?" Joey asked, his tail was slightly wagging as if uncertain.
"Yes, we've got a long day ahead of use. But, there are certain rules that I must tell you before we leave. One, no matter what you see do not leave my side unless you are told too. Two, you must be silent. I don't know who we may run into too. And three, if I ever tell you to run, do not hesitate to run. Do you understand?" Cadence asked, watching Joey carefully. She let out a huff when he nodded, "good then let's go."
Cadence was used to walked for hours, even running, but it was obvious to her after the first few hours that Joey was not. He had fallen behind a few times, and she'd had to adjust her pace to match his. "Are you okay Joey?" Cadence asked, concerned.
Joey took one look at Cadence and apparently didn't like the concern he seen. His little chest puffed up, and his back straightened as he walked forward. "I'm fine, this is nothing. I was just thinking of how much I missed home."
He was lying or at least, about whether he was alright or not, but Cadence couldn't bring herself to call him on it. She just smiled, which she was sure looked more frightening than assuring in her wolf form. "I see. I'm sure you family feels the same. They must miss you terribly. But, don't worry I'll get you home." Cadence looked around, her ears picking up on the sound of a stream. "We should rest for a bit, I'll see if I can't catch us some food." She noticed Joey's head snapped up at the mention of food and shook her head as she led him to the stream. Joey didn't hesitate to run to the stream and drink his fill.
"Listen to me Joey, do not leave this spot! You stay here until I return." Cadence warned sternly, happy when Joey immediately nodded. "If you hear something, make sure you hide yourself in the bushes there. I will call out when I return." Receiving another nod of understanding, Cadence turned and went to hunting.
Cadence couldn't help but worry as she sniffed and listened for any sort of game. She didn't like the thought of leaving the boy alone, but knew it was safest for him. Rogues we're in the area and if she was caught at least the boy wouldn't be with her.