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I was in tears, how could Chres do this to me? I thought he loved me but I guess he never did.....why did we get married then? why did I say yes in the first place huh? I made it to my mama's place and toold her everything.

"Oh Hijo," she said. "There, there, it's's gona be OK."

"I love him," I sobbed. "Why would he cheat on me....and with a girl?!"

"Want me to talk to him?" my mom asked. I shook my head. My mama's crazy lol.

"No I'l be fine.....once I think things out." I walked into my old room I had when I was a kid. Nothing's changed in here posters of guys like Chris Brown and Trey Songz ugh! I went to check on the kids, they were playing out in the back yard. I smiled at them. Sad that they can't see their dad ever's gona be hard taking care of them all alone. I grabbed my keys and headed outside.

"I'm going out mama!" I yelled.

"Ok dear!" she replied. I walked out and drove my car to the park to chill. I neede time to think ans time to myself. It's started to feel like College....people taking advantage of me cause I'm too nice!

"Uh, hey." someone said to me. I look up and saw this beautiful man ever.....not as good as Chres but he was still pretty good looking.

"Hello." I said.

"Mind if I join you or you with some-?"

"Oh no, I'm alone," I said. "Your more than welcome." he smiled and sat down next to me.

"Your really cute," he said. I cheeks turned a deep red.


"I'm Treyvon by the way.

"Hi, I'm Jacob."

"Hello Jacob," he said. "So why are you here alone on this fine day?"

I told him about my story....he felt bad for me but I didn't want him to. I was used to the pittynesss :(

"This Chresanto guy souns like a dead beat."he said in disgust.

"No, he's a great father.....but a bad husband." I sighed.

"Oh....your gay too?" he asked.

"Yes.....are you?"

"Yes!" he giggled, making me smile a little.

"So......your married?" he asked.

"Yup, and we have 2 kids together."

I saw Treyvon's face was full of jealousy and sadness, but this wasn't the time to feel sorry for anyone else but myself.

"Y'know if you were mine, I would never cheat on you.....your to pretty to be cheated on."

I blushed so hard, my cheeks hurted.

"Your really sweet Trey," I smiled. He smiled back. 

"Um...look, here's my number in case y'know you wanna talk, or hangout." I smiled and took the card.

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind." he smiled and gave me a little kiss on the cheek, leaving me speachless of words.

Am I falling for him already?


4 weeks later.....


I messed up real bad and it's all my fault. I should have told Adalyenn from the start. Damn, now I lost Jacob and the kids for good phone rang and I saw it was Adalyenn calling me. What the fuck does she have to say? -__-

"The fuck you want?" I asked.

"Look Chres," she sighed. "I just have to tell you something."


"I'm pregnant, and it's your baby."

I literally dropped my cell.




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