Moving Away To A New Life

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Adalyenn was coming over here to drop off Deme. It's good to see that she had a change of heart and is doing something for herself. I waited in the living room with Jacob til she got here.

"So she's going to Florida?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, she can't take Deme along so he's staying here."

"Oh OK, did she say how long she's gonna stay over there?"

"Nope, she doesn't know." 

The doorbell rang and I let Adalyenn in with baby Deme.

"Hi." she greeted.

"Hey." I said back. Jacob looked the other way being as he still didn't wanna talk to her.

"Well....I'll  be leaving now tonight so...see you so Deme, mommy loves you."

She gave him a kiss on his fat cheeks and Deme smiled and did a little giggle and she was on her way.

"I'm gonna put him down for a nap." I said to Jacob. 

"OK." he replied.


Hmm.....I still think Deme ain't Chres.....but I don't wanna bring it up again and get him mad. I wonder why Adalyenn's leaving to Florida all of a sudden...and why can't she take Deme with her? something else is going on......but I don't know what...


"You ready?" 

He asked me as I stepped into the warm car away from the cold weather.

"Yes, I'm ready to start a new life." I gave him a smile.

"I love you so much Adalyenn....we known each other for 3 years...almost going on 4.."


Yeah I've been seeing him WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! omg before I saw Chresanto. Lol sorry. At the time I haven't really seen Martin since  I got pregnant within the last nine months before I last saw him.

"I love you too," I said. "And I wanna be with you always..."

"Me too." he pulled out a box in and hand it to me.

"Open it."

I looked down at the box and slowly lifted the top and saw a diamond ring omg. I looked at Martin with tears in my eyes. He was asking me to marry him!

"Adalyenn......will you make me a happy man and marry me?"

I did know what to say...I mean I love him but how am I gonnan see Deme?


"Oh um....."

"You don't want to marry me?"

"No baby I do but-"

"Yes!" he cheered. "Mrs Aldayenn Summers."

He slipped the ring on my finger. Oh what the hell. It's not like I was cheating on anyone..

"Yes I will marry you." I smiled at him before giving him a passionate kiss.

"I love you." he mumbled on my lips.

"I love you too..." I mumbled back. We let go of each other and I laid back in my seat as Martin driven us to the airport....this was my new life, and I can finally share it with someone I love.....feel bad that I have to leave Deme behind gotta give up things in life...even if you don't want to....

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