Goodbye Xavier <3

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I woke up the next morning getting ready for the funeral. I didn't know who I was gonna face that church.

"You ready baby?" Chres asked me as he walked in the room.

"Um...yeah I'm ready."

Alianna had on her pretty white dress and her hair was in mines....she gets her hair from me. ;) we called up Marcus, Shey, Julie, and Breanna to come on over since they were riding with us.

"Man I can't believe the little man's gone..." Marcus sighed.

"He was soooo cute and adorable." Shey said.

All this talk about him made me wanna cry, but I didn't wanna make a scene in front of them. Soon it was time to go and all drove to the church and it was a nice little service. I looked at the casket and it was pretty as well..X was in it dressed adorable in his black tux that I got him when he wore it to my weddiing day. He was in a nice little white and glimmering casket, I could bare to look at him, he looked cold and so lifeless. I can't believe he's gone. I even made a speech to say about X as well that I was gonna read...idk if I could go throught with it.

"Um.....hello friends and family and everyone....thanks for coming," I said and took a deep breath.

"Xavier was a happy boy....he was smart, bright and cute. He was harmless and he wanted nothing but to see people all happy and smiling and...and.."

I coouldn't finish since I was crying to much. Chres and Marcus had to take me off the stage and sit me down. The rest of the service went on while I cried silently in Chres's arms. After that, we all went out to eat lunch. I didn't do much eating or talking.

"Mommy?" Alianna called out to me. I looked up at her.


"Are you OK?"

"Y-Yes babygirl I'm fine.." I smiled at her, course it was a fake smile, I wasn't in the mood to be upsetting my babygirl.

"OK." she went back to eating. After we all eat and stuff we went back to the house to chill. I went upstairs until Chres stopped me.

"Where you going baby?"

"To bed," I sighed. "I-I'm kina tired."

"Really?" he gasped. "It's only 10:30pm"

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