R.I.P. Xavier

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What was I going to tell Jacob and Alianna? shit, I had no choice but to take X's body to the Mortuary and head on home. I would call them and tell them if they wanted to see him but that would be to much. My cell was ringing and saw it was Adalyenn calling me.

"Hey Chres." she said. 

"Adalyenn, I'm not in the mood right now.."

"See, there you go again!" she yelled. "I mean god you don't wanna hear about the baby?"

"I said not now...I got bigger things to care about." I said.

"So your saying you don't give a fuck about your son?" she asked.

"Oh don't do that bullshit!" I said. "Look, tonight's not the night OK?"

"Well why the fuck not?" 

"X is dead." I spat at her.


I know she not tryna care, not after she called them brats.

"Just now...I don't wanna tell the story so goodbye."

I walked on to Mrs. Perez's house to get Jacob and Alianna.

"OMG CHRES!" Jacob ran over to me and hugged me and looked at my small cut on my cheek.

"Where's X?" he asked looking around.

I sighed.

"Chres, don't do this..."


"N-no.....no it's not that..please no..."

"X is gone.." I cried.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he sobbed dropping to the floor. I held him as I cried too and so did Jacob's mother.

"How did he die?" she asked.

"Treyvon shot him."

"WHAT?!" Jacob yelled. "And you just let him die?"

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