Date Goes Wrong

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Lol I'm just so happy. It's been a while since I've been out ona date in sooo long since me and Chres are no more. Technically were still married but I'm gonna get that!


I looked out the window and saw Trey outside. I went out and walked into the car and smiled at him.


"Helloooooo sexyyyyy!" he said making me blush.

"Damn you lookin' good." he said. I blushed harder. "T-Thanks..."

He started  the car and off we went.

"So..." I said.

"I'm not telling you where we going Jacob." he laughed. I whined.

"Why not?" 

"I don't wanna spoil it."

We stopped at an old house and I frowned. Why the fuck are we here at this place? I thought we were going to the park or get a bit to eat.

"Where are we?" I asked, a little scared. He laughed.

" Y'know Jacob," he sighed. "There's something you don't know about me..."

"W-What's that?" I asked, not really wanting to know.....but then again, I got to.

"I'm crazy," he said. "I like to rape people and kill them."

I looked at him for a minute before laughing.

"No really Trey, what's going on here?" I asked.

"DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" he yelled. Making me shut up instantly.

" you are crazy?" I asked.

"I kow I'm horrible." he laughed like a mad man shit, I gotta leave. I tried opening the door but he stopped me with a strong grip that hurt......alot!

"Ow," I whined. "That hurts....Treyvon stop...please."

"Shut the fuck up," he snapped making me go silent fast. "Now you listen to WILL divorce Chres so that we can get married."

I can't believe of what I was hearing! marry him? no way not after what he just did to me.


"It's daddy bitch!" he said and he slapped me. I held my cheek and looked at him with fear. He slapped me? :( 

I was in tears now..... he took me into the house and into a basement crying.......I didn't know what got into Treyvon and I don't like it. I was chained up, naked and tears were stained on my cheeks. i was scared and all alone I want out of this place :'(


I wanted to call Jacob, but what if he doesn't wanna hear from me. I want to see my kids, I want us to be a family again and not get divorced. I looked at a picture of the two of us making silly faces. I miss my baby.....all my babies. I have to call him. I dialed his number and waited.....

and waited.....

AAAAAAAAAAA waited.....Nothing.


I hung up, he doesn't wanna talk to me at all who am I kidding? we done! our marriage is over. I took a deep breath and punched a wall so hard and just...broke down.

"I miss you Jacob..." I sobbed to myself in the  big empty house.


I was in the basement, naked. I was chained up and the place was dark and cold and it smelt. Tears were still coming down and I was all alone.

"Hey bae."

I saw him walk in and kissed me but I didn't wanna kiss back.



he went for another kiss and I did what he asked for.

"Why?" I asked. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Why?" he laughed. "Why?! you looked to fucking happy with that Chresanto guy, I like you and I wanted to be with you! I was jealous.....well, I don't have to be anymore."

"Your sick."


"You talk when I want you to talk....understand?!"

".....yes..." I sobbed with my head down. Treyvon yanked my head up and slapped me again.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you got that?"

"Yes daddy." I said. He smirked.

"Yeah, daddy...I like it when you call me that." 

-______________- oh please.....smh.

He kissed my cheek and left the basement with me alone in it. I looked around.

"Where are you Chres?" I sobbed heavily. "I miss much...."

I cried there as it echoed through the walls and the only bit of light I had in there was a light hanging over me, moving back and forth. I was in for the worst. What if I don't get out of here? Trey took my phone away....I can't call mama.......m-my kids :'( oh god help me.......

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