How to dress like a Hetalian Prt.5

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I bet you all though I was dead huh??? nah. 

I did however get a little more mature... To be honest with all of you, I grew out of the Hetalia fandom a bit. 


I remember I used to think that I would never grow out of Hetalia. I literally would imagine my future house to be filled to the brim with all Hetalia merchandise. I though I would grow up to be a history teacher and teach with showing Hetalia as examples. I don't think that you guys realize how much I was obsessed with Hetalia. This anime is a sin. We old Hetalian's must warn these newcomers of what kind of perilous hell they are about to step into.

I believe the last time I updated this was somewhere in the summer after 7th grade. Well now I am in my sophomore year (10th grade) of high school and trust me, I am a way different person:

 -I lost all of my old lgbt/anime/gamer friends because I confessed to them that I drank and smoked ( I though it would draw me closer to the friend group, however it did the complete opposite). 

-I learned depression is defiantly something that you can control ( a quote that inspired me greatly was "Make it a good day or not, the choice is yours.) and I became a much healthier and happier person. 

-I created a closer bond with my family and got interested in my family history. 

-I began to re-learn my native language (which is Russian, in case anyone happened to be wondering. Shout out to all my fellow Russian gopniks and other Slav brother and sisters. За Родину!!! ) 

-I also got interested in World War II history from the Soviet point of view (way more interesting then American POV. There are so many things that are left out of textbooks in American schools. The soviet contribution to the war was huge, vitally important and incredibly tragic.) I'm going to give you all a fun fact right now: many captured Soviet soldiers would be sent to concentration camps as well because Hitler believed they were sub-human just as the Jewish race (Eastern Europeans were considered to be sub-human and Jews normally have an Eastern-European background. ) communists were also considered to be sub-human so they would also be slaughtered. In total, there were about 26,000,000-27,000,000 deaths in the Soviet union during WWII including military deaths and civilian deaths. United States had 419,400 deaths in total.

-I got into politics and I'll give 10 bucks to whoever can guess what ideology I am a fan of. Jk i'm not really sure how to give money through Wattpad but still, guess. I'll even give you guys a big hint: Far-left. 

Why did I tell you all this is the real question. And I don't know why. Sometimes it just feels great to type aimlessly, even if nobody is even reading this. (A gold star to those who actually bothered to read my life story just now) 

Anyway, here is the rest of the "How to Dress Like a Hetalian" segment. I shall update the rest of the next and final segment in two parts, both of which shall be posted in a couple of minutes from now.

21. Pauldrons with tassels are for the younger folks.

22. An opened shirt will allow for a better, carefree life.

23. Dress like you older brother, make sure you walk through town to show off your new look. Bring your brother too!

24. Hair shouldn't be more than 5 inches tall.

25. Silver hair looks best with red eyes.

26. Dressing like a Pauper is NOT in fashion.

27. Sailor outfits can be worn while off the boat, 'cause come cute!

28. Dressing as a girl, while a boy, is fine.

29. Fez's are cooler than they seem.

30. Masks make you look awesome.

31. Violet eyes make anyone look more sophisticated.

32. Sometimes an evil aura is just what you need to set the mood at a party or social gathering, so why not just keep it with you everywhere you go?

33. Stick leaves or even tomatoes on you head! Yay!

34. Wear skirts, old maid outfits, and have a conveniently placed rose on your body.

35. Wear the military uniform of your favorite country everywhere you go, like shopping for example.

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