1. Grow up at a surprising rate (Becoming extremely strong as well, strong enough to swing a buffalo or drag a car with ease)
2. Force people to marry you (although you may not want to either)
3. Own a really old computer model
4. Don't show up to things you were intended to be in
5. Point out every single flaw in people (warning, this might take at least 3 hours)
6. Meet your younger self in your dreams
7. Draw on strands of hair
8. Buy flowers and a ring for your friend (No homo, or maybe homo. At least a little bit.)
9. Keep a diary for every day of your life (Start them all off with, "I was so cool today.")
10. Smoke cigars
11. Fight over children you don't know
12. Celebrate Christmas even if those around you don't
13. Spend 250 years indoors away from everybody else
14. Stab people with flowers
15. Hit people with sticks
16. Have a kitty friend (who is actually just a guy in a costume)
17. Dress up in the other gender's clothes (like totes fabulous!)
18. Be immortal
19. Add a phrase or word to the end of all your sentences (ex. Ve, aru, da~ze, da, non, chigi)
20. Mistake guys for girls (honestly, how hard is it to determine their gender?)
21. Get people chocolates on Valentines day (Don't worry about if they already have chocolate)
22. Tattoo a maple leaf to your forehead
23. BDSM (cough cough)
24. Give your underwear to your friends when they are leaving (or brooms, but that's not as funny)
25. Like children (like really like them)
26. Be a yaoi fan
27. Use lots of Profanity
28. Make furniture and art
29. Name your pets after people you don't like
30. Have your birthday on the same day as you gain your independence
31. When throwing a grenade, throw the pin and keep the grenade part
32. 2D is better than 3D
33. Drink tea, eat crumpets/scones. But the most important thing is to be a TERRIBLE COOK
34. Before taking any siestas, don't forget to take off all your clothes
35. Be frugal, but when people are around look as thought you have all the money in the world
36. Jump out of planes (without parachutes)
37. Wear dress when a child (isn't just for girls anymore!)
38. Be in a love triangle
39. Take siestas often
40. Be trigger-happy when people streak across your yard
41. Grope other people (preferable of the same gender)
42. Do "it".....Do it a lot
43. Pass out when your name is called
44. Dress younger boys in dresses