Chapter 11: May The Truth Be Told

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(Nathan kept running through the forest trying to switch channels on his communicator to contact Indiana Jones and George.)

Nathan: "Indiana Jones, do you read? It's Nathan Drake!" (He listens to his communicator for a response. So far, no answer.)

Nathan: "Come on, answer!" (He switched to George's channel.)

Nathan: "George, do you read? It's Nathan and I'm trying to find you! Where are you?" (He listens to it again. No response.)

Nathan: "God damn it! Answer me!" (Suddenly, there was a voice.)

Indiana Jones: (COM) "Nathan?"

Nathan: "Indiana, thank god! I was trying to reach you and you didn't answer my call. What's going on?"

Indiana Jones: (COM) "Nathan, we got some serious trouble." (Gunshots were heard.)

Nathan: "What the hell? Were those guns firing?"

Indiana Jones: (COM) "Yep, that's the point. We're stuck here and Powell's agents have come. They followed us."

Nathan: "Oh s***!"

Indiana Jones: (COM) "Yes, exactly. So, we're gonna need you to come to help. Where's Sully?"

Nathan: "He's fine. Waiting on you."

Indiana Jones: (COM) "So you're alone. Great. You need to come here now. And HURRY!!" (Nathan ran faster to reach Indiana Jones and George. Lara and Sully heard the gunshots in the distance.)

Sully: "You hear that, kid?"

Lara: "Sounds like gunshots." (They looked at each other.)

Both: "Nathan!" (They ran too where Nathan was going. Nathan has arrived to George and Indiana.)

Indiana Jones: "It's about time you showed up! Now, help kill these idiots!"

Nathan: "Damn, there's like twenty men! How many agents did you get, Powell?"

George: "Probably a whole army."

Indiana Jones: "Enough chit chat! Let's take them out!" (He took out his revolver and shot one of them in the head. George used an assault rifle and shot three guys down. Nathan used a submachine gun and shot one agent in the chest. Lara and Sully came charging in.)

Nathan: "Lara? Sully? What are you doing? I told you to stay put!"

Lara: "We heard gunshots and if you die, we die together."

Sully: "She's right."

Indiana Jones: "Let's do this!" (He used his revolver to shoot multiple targets and it ran out of ammo.)

Indiana Jones: "Oh, damn it all!" (He looks at Lara's right holster with her pistol in it.)

Indiana Jones: "Can I see this?"

Lara: "Sure you can."

Indiana Jones: "Thanks." (He smiled at her and kept his serious face on the agent. Indiana shot him and the crew opened fired. Most of them were dead, but there was one more standing trying to run.)

Indiana Jones: "Where do you think you're going, pal?" (He used his whip to catch his neck and it got caught wrapped around. Indiana pulled him closer and Lara threw a combat knife at his forehead that hits a bullseye. Indiana slowly looked at her, surprised and the others did too.)

Lara: "Played darts way back in late shift at the Nine Bells." (Everyone was still surprised and stunned.)

Lara: "It was before I did archery."

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