Chapter Two

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The Junior Class of Auradon Prep walked out of school at the end of the day every upset.

"Yooo! Juniors nice Prank you pulled on the King." Everest, son of Elena of Avalor complemented as he best friend Matthew Hatter joined him. Mattew wore a rather modern version of what his Dad would where and of course he had the hat over his long blonde hair with the bright orange roots.

"For reals though." Matthew smiled. "Not even Cheshire Cat could pull a prank that great!"

The Junior Class frowned and mumbled as it walked away and left Mal and Carlos in front of Matthew and Everest. "Speak for yourselfs." Carlos rolled his eyes.

"We didn't even know about the prank, and now Ben banned our Ditch Day." Mal crossed her arms.

Matthew and Everest started laughing, "He banned your Ditch Day or over a little prank?!"

Mal nodded.

"Wow," Matthew chuckled. Then he got a idea, he turned his friend to him and whispered it. Everest looked at him and said "You sure they won't be mad?"

Matthew shook his head.

Everest looked at Mal and Carlos,"Okay, so do you guys wanna come with us on our Tomorrow?"

"YES!" Carlos screamed immediately.

Mal made a confused face, then she put a hand on her hip. "What's the catch?" She asked with sass.

They both shook their heads, "No catch. If our junior ditch day was taken from us, we would cry. Just try not to get caught by King Cry Baby." Everest explained him and Matthew walked away.

Mal looked at Carlos, "We are going to that Ditch Day."

Carlos was worried, and that showed in his look. "You are aware that if we get caught, we could get kicked out if Auradon Prep right? And if we get kicked out, you would get sent back to the Isle of the Lost."

Mal brushed it off, "Nah, I'd get your Dad to adopt me and become a Auradon police officer with him."

He rolled his eyes, he knew Mal would find a way to make him go ether way. "Fine we will go, but if we get caught your erasing anyone's mind needed."

"Of course." Mal smiled.

Across campus, Evie and Doug had just walked into Evie's dorm. Evie groaned as she toppled on her bed.

"I'm guessing your not happy by the result of the prank." Doug smiled as he sat down next to her.

Evie sat up, "It's not like I can leave this campus much."

Doug was confused, "Didn't you just go to New York like a month ago?"

Evie rolled her eyes, "What I mean is that, when I can leave this campus, I want to make the most if the time I have outside the campus."

Ocean walked into the room, she looked and Evie and laughed. "Heard you guys got your ditch day tooken away."

Evie pouted, "Who's idea was it anyway to have a prank?"

"Beats me." Doug shrugged.

"Well, I think you guys should just apologize." Ocean suggested. "Better than nothing."

"You're right!" Evie smiled as she stood up. "We are going to say sorry!"

"Wow, being in Auradon is still getting to me." Ocean realized.

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