Chapter Four

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Evie and Jane sat in Evie's dorm room waiting for the spell potion to be finished so they could run it to Mal and Ben before they start the show.

"This is all my fault. If only I would have not been so bad and stole my Mom's spell book." Jane practically cried as she put her head in her hands.

"Oh Jane, it's gonna be okay." Evie smiled as she rubbed Jane's back. "We all make mistakes."

Jane pulled away. "I make more mistakes then anyone around here! First it was making fun of Mal,  then stealing the wand at Coronation, the whole Neon Lights Balk thing with C.J.,  then there was the whole Ak vs Vk style fiasco, then whatever I did to have Carlos breakup with me."

If Evie's Heart could ever break in two. Now would be it. She never heard someone who thought they were the cause of everything. But this point, Jane was on the other side of the bed with her head in her hands sighing.

"Jane, do you wanna hear a story. " Evie asked.

Jane looked at Evie. "You think now is the time for a story?"

Evie chuckled,  "Yep."

Seven years ago... There was a magnificent birthday party on the Isle of the Lost. The crows had delivered the invites about a week before and everyone was on the invite list. Well, almost everyone. Mal was the only person not invited to my party, and she was furious. She called her Mom down to take care of it and she did... A little to well if you as me. She banished my Mom and I from the public and said we were never to be spoken to again.

"Wow..." Jane said. "Mal was rough back on the isle."

Evie chuckled, "But anyway, don't let obstacles keep you down. Rise bae."

"Awwwww! Now we have to hug." Jane smiled as she hugged Evie and she hugged right back.

As they hugged, they heard a ding. "Ooh, the spell is ready!"

At the Auradon Stadium,  Mal and Ben we're in Ben's dressing room going over everything.

"Okay, so did you learn my part?" Ben asked Mal, who was laying down on the couch playing around with the Zappchat filters.

"Somewhat." Mal answered bluntly.

Ben sighed as he went over to the couch and moved his legs so he could sit down. "What's going on with us? Lately we've been fighting a lot."

Mal sighed. She put down the phone and sat up next to him. "I don't know. Maybe it's Auradon. I've been here for over a year and everything is still bugging me about it."

"Well, just know... you ate my everything. I love you and I would never want you to feel like you need to be someway because your in Auradon." Ben smiled at her.

Mal smiled and did magic, a blue road popped up in her hand and she gave it to her boyfriend. "You know just what to say sometimes."

Then Stronghold came in. "Guys, we're on right now."

Mal deepended her voice. "Litty."

In the crowd Lonnie was reporting to Auradon Buzz. "And we're at the Auradon Spring Fling and The Crowned Genie is up next!" She smiled into the camera as Carlos and Jay went up to her.

"Hey, so when does the challenge end?" Jay asked.

Lonnie laughed, "The challenge ends when Jordan is done performing." She pinched Carlos' cheek. "Just a tiny bit longer." She said in a baby voice as the stage got darker.

In the darkness on the stage Ben and Mal got up on stage with Stronghold and Jordan and the rest of the back up band.

"You ready babe?" Ben smiled at Mal.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Mal smirked.

"GIVE IT UP FOR... THE CROWNED GENIE FEATURING MAL!" The announcer yelled as everyone in the crowd went crazy.

Evie and Jane had just arrived to the crowd when The Crowned Genie just went on.

"Oh god!" Evie yelled. "Hurry up and cast it!"

Jane fumbled the wand in her hands right before she dropped it. "Oh fiddlesticks!"

As Mal and Ben were peforming Walkin In My Shoes, Evie and Jane were chasing all over for the wand which was being kicked all around.

"Give me the green light! I'm ready to go! Give me the spotlight I'm ready to roll! I'm gonna take you... I'm gonna shake you. No one's gonna lose... Walkin in my shoes." Ben and Mal continued to sing.

"Found it!" Jane smiled. "Walkin In My shoes isn't so great, switch everyone back before it's too late."

Ben and Mal stopped singing as they both started to float up in the air, with Mal surrounded with purple magic and Ben surrounded with blue magic. Both their eyes turned light blue as they were leveled back down on the stage.

IM BACK IN MY BODY! Mal thought as she continued to sing.

I missed being tall. Ben thought

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