Chapter One

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Ben was running to find Mal in her dorm. Since he hadn't been to Tourney Practice in a while, his running skills were a bit off. He had finally made it to Mal's door, but forgot how to stop, so he crashed right into the door knocking the door down.

"Sorry about the door, but Jane is going to-" Ben started to speak right before he noticed that Mal and Evie were in the room... with Jane. "Crap, forgot she could teleport."

"You see Mal, your boyfriend here and I had a bet, and if I won, I could use you two for a project I'm working on." Jane smiled.

Mal looked at Ben with a confused and mad face. "Um... sweetie, what bet was this?"

Ben started to studded as he sat next to Evie in hopes that if Mal attacked, Evie would hold her back. "Well... you see... The bet was that, whether your full name was Maleficent or not." He said quickly.

Evie's eyes widened while Mal's eyes flashed green.

"In my defense you never told me what your full name was." Ben said trying to defend himself.

"Ben! I've been your girlfriend for more than a year, my name is Mal, my mothers is Maleficent, and we all know how concided she is. It's not rocket science King." Mal spoke in a louder voice tone then normal. "Wait, what did you think my name was?"

Evie immediately whipped her finger around, and she poofed up a glass of tea.


Evie took a loud sip with her pinky finger up.

"So... Anyways. The experiment is a spell, when casted on two people,it is supposed to let you know how the other one feels." Jane explained as she got up.

"I seriously doubt that Ben wants to know how in feeling but whatever." Mal sighed as she stood up.

Ben sighed as well as he got up, "You never told me."

"100% sure everyone knows, and weren't you the one that did our paperwork when we came over from the Isle? How did you still not know?" Evie asked as she finished loudly sipping her tea.

"I guess I missed it." He nervously chuckled.

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