Chapter 2

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After a long and sleepless night, Gilbert managed to pry himself off the ground just to sit on the windowsill and watch the sunrise. He may as well use the sunrise as something to keep his spirits up. There wasn't really much else he could do to help with that, so he used the sun.

"If the sun can still come out after darkness then so can I..." the Prussian muttered as he leaned his head against the glass. He remained like that only for a few seconds before lifting his head again. He rubbed his eyes and headed towards the door to his room. He peaked out into the hallway once the door was open and, after making sure it was safe, gathered some clothing in his arms and headed to the bathroom.

Gilbert set the clothes on the ground and pulled out some towels, overall preparing for a shower. He looked down at his raw and red wrists he had scratched at for most of the morning. The Prussian winced a little. That was going to sting. Nevertheless, he turned to the shower and turned on the water. Sure...his area didn't have the best water supply but water was water nonetheless and he needed a shower to clear his thoughts of the night.

Once his clothes was off, the white haired male stared at himself in the mirror. The scars everywhere, red and raw wrists, dark circles under his eyes, messy hair; it was like a ghost was staring back at him. His red eyes weren't as lively as they used to be, and that only added to it.

"...Roderich could do so much better," he mumbled as he turned away from the window and to the shower. He stepped inside and shut the curtains, letting himself relax under the warmth of the water. He tilted his head down so the water drenched his hair and sure enough, his wrists began to sting. Gilbert simply ignored it and began to wash his hair and body.

The Prussian didn't take too long in the shower. After bathing and washing his hair, he sat for another minute or so just watching the water droplets roll off the walls. With a heavy sigh, he shut off the water and stepped out. At least the towels he used were soft. They were the same shade of white as his hair. That was something. He quickly dried off and tossed the towels into a basket before slipping on his clothes.

His hair would just air dry and acquire its naturally messy look then. He stepped out of the bathroom and back into his room where he lied down on his bed and shut his eyes. That peace didn't last long.

The door to his bedroom swung open and the knob hit the wall which caused Gilbert to snap open his eyes and sit up. Ivan stood with a grin on his face, a hand out to the Prussian. This just filled Gilbert with confusion, but he stood up anyway and took a step towards the Russian.

"Come on! The wall is coming down today, da?" Gilbert wasn't sure if Ivan had asked him that or stated it, but his eyes widened. He hadn't been told a single thing about the wall coming down! Not a single thing! He was very glad he showered.

Gilbert threw himself off the bed and ran to the door with more energy and happiness in him than he had had in the longest while. He didn't say a word as Ivan took his hand and pulled him off to the exit of the house. The fresh air hit Gilbert and he took a deep breath, a wide grin engraved on his face. Finally! After twenty-eight long years behind the wall and about fifty-five in total of not seeing his brother, he was finally going to see Ludwig again. Ludwig and Elizabeta and Roderich!

His heart sped up at the thought that Roderich could be behind the wall, waiting with Ludwig and Elizabeta. Right...Ludwig... Gilbert's smile slipped off his face. Roderich wouldn't be behind that wall to begin with and now....he wasn't so sure Ludwig would be either. Did his brother forgive him? Gilbert couldn't help but doubt it. He put himself and Ludwig through so much, even if he had been helping someone else.

Gilbert shook his head and took off towards the wall despite his thoughts. If his brother didn't come see him, he didn't care. He was going see his friends and family no matter what. He couldn't wait to see everyone again. Gott...if only he'd have known what was going to happen. So easily avoidable, yet Gilbert was so unsuspecting.

The Prussian had only just barely made it to the wall when it started crumbling, and he went with it. One of the larger pieces landed on his head with a sickening crack! and his red eyes rolled back. His knees gave out and he collapsed under the weight.

N-nein...! I-I was so close! West..! Bitte...

With that, he met darkness.


Light hit the sealed eyelids of the Prussian and pried them open. After a few seconds of blinking to focus his vision, Gilbert slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. His hands drifted up to his head where a bandage was wrapped and a slight groan slipped from his lips. His head was pounding, but at least he remembered what happened.

But he wasn't sure where he was. If this was a place he knew, he certainly hadn't been in this room before. It was a bedroom but...who's? It was far too fancy to be one in his own home. The walls were a pleasant shade of purple with silver patterns strewn about here and there. The floor was hardwood and the Prussian was on a very comfortable bed. A desk was in the far corner of the room and a closet was opposite of it. It was empty, admittedly, but it was still absolutely beautiful.

After admiring the room for a few minutes, Gilbert pushed himself to his feet. He grabbed the bed for support as he was a little unsteady. One hand settled on his head to hold it in a useless attempt to stop it from spinning.

The Prussian took a moment to settle down before he started making his way out of the room and down the halls. His hand stayed pressed against the wall as he made his way around. Faint music danced through his ears and his head tilted as he made his way towards it.

Upon getting closer, he realized it didn't sound like something from the time era he was in, but it was still fairly pretty to his ears. He was rather shocked to hear singing flow behind it.

"...And I've seen your flag on the marble arch

And love is not a victory march

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah...





It most definitely wasn't from the era Gilbert knew, but that thought flew out of the window as soon as he stepped in the doorway of a music room. In the center sat a grand piano and on that piano, singing and playing his heart out,



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