Letter 4

821 93 18

From heart.

Dear Papa,
I wish I could see you so I can talk to you. Talk to you about all the fears I feel in my heart. It's 12 of the night and I'm not able to sleep because bad thoughts are haunting me. The fear is not letting me sleep. The fear of loosing someone else. Since I have lost you I become weak. Each and every second passed with fear of loosing my other relations. I'm so scared to loose anyone else. This fear is not giving me peace.

Papa I have lost you. My most beautiful relation. My father. I lost the one I called papa. Whenever I see those kids who have their fathers and they call them papa or Abu how badly that time I want you to be Here to see me. I want to call papa g like always and I want to see your smile which always appear on your face when I called you.

Life is so unpredictable. I never imagined living without you but now I'm living. Breathing trying to find happiness but I forgot you were the biggest happiness of my life. Every day I got up with new ambitions and try to show myself strong but I'm not strong. I'm so week so scared. I'm weak. I want to cry when I remembered you. But I know i can't. I have to be strong for my mother. My siblings. They would be hurt to see tears in my eyes but i want to show the pain. I want you to come so I can be as I want to. I don't want to be strong.  I want to be same small girl who always look for you. The girl who was still a kid for you.  I wish you can come back.

As I have lost you I don't want to loose my other relation and this always scares me. I'm so scared to loose anyone else. And these fears are not letting me live. I can't bear the pain rising in my heart thinking about your death. All the images start disturbing me and I couldn't help to control my tears. I want peace. Happiness. Smiles hope but now I'm living only with fears and bad thoughts which are not leaving me alone.

I wish I could hold your arm to feel save. I wish I could tell you everything I'm feeling right now. I wish I could tell you the love I have for you in my heart. You were my world and you will be always. Because without you my world is not complete. Out home our lives and even we are incomplete without you. I prayed a lot for you and I pray that Allah(SWT) bless you with His endless blessings and your soul rest in peace. I miss you. Miss you with my all heart in every passing second of my life. Love you.

Your daughter

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