Noises in the Night

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     You were with the Fellowship of the Ring.  It was a cold night, and you were taking shelter in a forest just out of Lorien.  You had all just left the fair Mallorn groves and peace of the elven forest, and were sad to leave. But your journey had to continue.
     You were quite skiddish and jumpy when it came to being out in the wilderness.  But it seemed like when you were with the Fellowship you were safe, especially when you were with Legolas.  He kept you under his wing the whole way, and was like a light to you in dark places, when all other lights went out.  You two had shared a very special moment in Lorien, under the starlit sky.  You could remember the moment exactly: You couldn't sleep, and neither could Legolas.  So you both took a walk around the forest, his arm around your shoulders the whole way.  Finally you stopped in a grassy glade shadowed by the golden trees.  He took both your hands in his and said, "(Y/N), I have loved you since the moment I saw first saw you.  You are my one and only, and I feel like I belong when I'm with you.  There's a song in my heart.  I can't live without you."  Then he pulled you into a gentle kiss.  You were stunned that he felt the same way for you as you did for him.  Ever since then, you had never left each others' sides.  You were one.
     You had always laid your blankets down by each others' when travelling.  Most of the time you stayed awake half the night talking.  Some nights you got very scared, but Legolas was always there to put an arm around you and comfort you.  He would always make sure you were safe and warm and comfy.  He was very protective of you, and you liked that.   It was nice to have someone like him who you could confide in.  You had never known anyone like that. 
     On this particular night, you and Legolas were laying half asleep on your blankets, when all of a sudden you heard a horrid howling sound.  At first you thought your ears were playing tricks on you, but after you heard it once every minute, you got quite frightened.  What if you were going to be ambushed?  What if there were wolves near?  You crawled out of your blankets and crept over to Legolas.  "Legolas, there's something out there."  You said.  He immediately sat up in bed.  "What did you hear, Melleth nin?"  He inquired.  "A howling noise.  Loud and strong it was, it sounded dangerous."  You replied.  You scooted closer to Legolas.  He put his arm around you and you placed your head on his shoulders. "Let's listen, and see if we hear it again."  He said.  The way he spoke, always comforted you.  You finally heard the noise again.  "Was that it?"  He inquired.  "Yes, what is it?"  You said.  "I have heard that noise before.  It is just the wind."  He said soothingly.  "Let's go back to bed now, it is all safe and well."  He smiled at you as he said this.  You would be safe now, Legolas would make sure of that.  He was always there for you.  "Legolas?"  You said.  "Yes?"  He said.  " Thank you.  You always make me feel better."  You said lovingly.  "I'm glad I can help you in such a way.  I feel the same with you.  If something is bothering me, I can talk to you and you help.  You always listen to my problems."  He said.  "Goodnight Legolas.  I love you."   You said.  "I love you too.  Losto mae melleth nin.  (Sleep well my love.)"  He said softly.  You loved it when he spoke elvish.  It just seemed to quiet your deepest worries and settle you down.  The way the words flowed from his lips just seemed so soothing to you. 
     As you lay there in your blankets, you felt Legolas' arm embrace you, and pull you closer to him.  You just felt safer now that you were close to your love.  He was right there, and nothing could harm you with him so  close.  You fell asleep in peace.

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