Prologue: Yami vs Kaiba

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A/N: Hey guys! Well, um, I guess my urges have made me decided to put this up at your request.

Just to let you know, I am just basing this off the gameplays I've seen of people playing this game on youtube. Though, now it's just the Closed Beta testing . When the official game comes out, I'll definitely have more inspiration to help me write more. And, I will change some of it.

Until then, I'll bring out what I can. And also, these are just one-shots/ somewhat of a story. You can also request to see who you want to. I'll have a list made up for it later.

So, I do NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh! at all, not the anime nor the new game. And you guys own yourselves. Also, this means 'phone dialogue'.

So, let's go!

"Mwahaha! Yugi! When I defeat you, YOU will call ME the King of Games!" Seto Kaiba declared arrogantly. "Let's see if you have the cards to challenge me."

"Kaiba ... I cannot afford to lose." Yami Yugi; Yugi Muto's other half, stated.

Crimson red eyes and ice blue eyes clashed as the duel started setting up.

Both duelists took their respective sides on the field and stared each other down.

"Kaiba! I will defeat you!" Yami said, determined to do just that.

"Every duel I've fought has lead up to THIS moment! The moment I finally take down Yugi Muto and regain my top dueling status!" Kaiba told himself, blinded by his urge to finally be victorious. "Let the epic battle begin!"

"DUEL!" Both said in unison, both starting off with 3000 LP.

"My turn! Watch closely." Kaiba drew a card. "I summon a monster in attack position. Saggi the Dark Clown!"

The creepy looking clown appeared on the field, sitting Indian-style. "I end my turn!"

"My turn! Draw!" Yami said, pulling out one card from his deck. "I summon a monster in attack position. The Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress!"

The blue dragon appeared on the field, wings fanning out and ready to attack.

"Playtime is over! Time to battle! Winged Dragon, attack!" Yami commanded. Yami's monster charged ahead, destroying the opposing monster, and making Kaiba lose 800 LP.

"Argh!" Kaiba staggered back a few inches from the aftershock.

"My turn is done."

"Here I go! It's my turn!" Kaiba drew a card. Then, totally out of character, he said, "I end my turn!"

Yami narrowed his eyes. "It's my turn! Draw!" He pulled of his favorite one, Dark Magician. He had an idea. "First off, I summon this monster in attack position." A small, white Scapegoat appeared on the field. "Now, I shall tribute both my monsters, allowing me to tribute summon my most trusted monster, my ever-faithful companion, Dark Magician!"

Both monsters disappeared and a magical spell circle appeared. That's when someone came out, flipped backwards, and pulled out its magical staff from the ground. It spun around the mystic fog that surrounded it and caught it in its hand. It was the Dark Magician!

"It's over for you, Kaiba! Now, go Dark Magician! Dark Magic Attack!" Dark Magician attacked Kaiba directly, wiping out the rest of Kaiba's life points.

"Aaaaaagggh ...!" Kaiba yelled out, almost falling over from the impact.

After the shockwave from the attack, the duel ended.

"Yugi, I was willing to risk everything to win. But I still couldn't pull it off ..."

"Kaiba ... you will never win if you give in to hatred."

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