Yugi Muto

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A/N: Hey guys! Now, I won't lie. This one took me a while to think through. Hopefully, I've done it justice.

Also, about us telling Yugi and Yami about them being in an anime, we've only given them the basics: Just about them sharing a body, their destiny to save the world and of the magic of the Millennium Puzzle. As well as their friends, their rivalry with Kaiba, and the foes they faced before like Bakura, Pegasus, Marik and Dartz. Since I don't know when Duel Links started; timeline sense, I'll say that in this story this takes place between Capsule Monsters and Dawn of the Duel.

Other than that, I'll let you get going. Enjoy!

You felt your eyes creaking open. You felt something soft under you. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you could see clearly that you were in a bedroom. More specifically, Yugi's bedroom. You sat up and stretched, feeling energized. As you got out of bed, you walked to the full mirror next to the closet.

Your (h/l) (h/c) hair, your (s/k) skin and your (e/c) eyes. But what shocked you was your outfit.

You wore a short sleeved gray jacket, a (f/c) sleeveless shirt that showed some skin, and skinny jeans. You foundyour duel disk, deck holder and grey boots by your bedside. As you got prepared, you began thinking.

What happened? Why were you in Yugi's room? And more importantly, where was Yugi?

Finally, you went downstairs and heard radio music playing. You followed the sound to the kitchen, opening the door to see Yugi cooking breakfast. He looked up at the door opening and smiled when he saw you. "(Y/n)! Good morning!"

"Morning," you yawned in your hand.

"Here, have a seat." Yugi gestured for you to sit at the table. When you did, a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon was placed in front of you. "Breakfast is served." Once you saw the food, your mouth drooled and your stomach growled like a lion. You immediately dug in.

Yugi's eyed popped out. You were as food devouring as Joey!

Once you started slowing down, you moaned at the tasty sensation. "Oh man. Yugi, this is too good for words." You moaned out.

Yugi smiled. "Why, thank you. I try." He said proudly.

You two eventually finished and Yugi took both your plates to clean them, but you protested. "Hey, I can do them – "

Yugi shook his head, making you stop. "No need. I'll do them. After all, you are our guest. And with what happened yesterday, you need to take it easy. I promise, it's no trouble. Now sit," Yugi reasoned before lightly ordering you to stay seated. You grinned amused and agreed.

While he cleaned, questions began bubbling out of you. "So, what did happen yesterday?"

Yugi looked nervous. "Um – w – well, you see ..." After explaining it all you, and I mean everything, you felt as red as a tomato and hid your face in your hands.

'Holy Ra! Oh man ... Yami and I ... we almost kissed! I still can't believe it. Even more so that Yugi was able to see that! Oh my Ra, why hormones? Why?! But the fainting part, that's not good. So, my body, mind and soul are trying to adapt to this world, and it's still a work in progress. But other than that ... WHY DID WE DO THAT?!'You mentally screamed at yourself.

"Hehe, Yami can be quite the charmer," Yugi joked. You just nodded numbly while feeling hot from the memory of it. "But hey, Yami said he'd use his powers to help you adapt better. So, no worries." Yugi assured you.

"Well, that's good." You then realized something else. "By the way, where is Yami anyway?"

Yugi smiled. "Don't worry. He's just in his soul room. He figured that you and I should bond more since we only met for like two minutes yesterday. So, he's giving us some privacy. He said it's only fair." Yugi explained.

You couldn't help but smile sweetly. "Ooh ... that's so sweet of him."

Yugi could see the tenderness for his other half in your eyes and felt glad. Glad that his mou hitori bo boku finally has someone ...

"Hey, I was thinking of something. About your duel disk and deck holder," now this got your attention. You placed both items on the table before Yugi spoke. "Maybe you were given those items by the same force that brought you to our world. Maybe you're here to compete in Kaiba's new tournament!" Yugi exclaimed.

You almost fell out of your seat. You gaped like a fish. "What?! Me? A duelist? Ha! Yeah right!" You laughed loudly, dubious about his claim.

Yugi pouted. "Why not? I mean, you have the essentials. Why else would you be brought here?"

"I don't know. But I don't think I got any cards in my holder." Yugi checked it himself.

"You're right. It's totally barren." Yugi pondered for a bit before his eyes lite up. "I know! Follow me!"

You did and you were led into the game shop. You always wanted to be inside this place and you couldn't contain your amazement. Every type of game known to man was in this small but well kept shop. Yugi just found what he needed behind the counter when he caught you staring at some board games. "You like what you see?"

"Uh duh! I've never seen so many games in all my life!" You exclaimed.

Yugi laughed. "Well, I'm glad. Now come check this out!" He presented you some Duel Monsters packs. "We just got them, tons actually. And I want you to have some to help you get started."

"Really? But, wouldn't your grandpa notice? I mean, I should pay for them first."

"No need. We have so many of them that he'll barely even notice. But if he does, then I'll gladly pay for them." You were about to protest again but Yugi stopped you. "You need to stop thinking that you should do everything on your own. Cause from now on, we're friends and friends help each other out. So let me do this for you." You raised a brow, still not sure. Then, Yugi did the unspeakable.

He gave you sparking chibi eyes, pouting as he cupped his hands, pleading you to agree.

You felt your walls collapsing as you finally broke down. "AGH! Oh,alright! I'll take them!" You snatched them away.

Yugi jumped for joy. "Ha ha, perfect! Now, if you're gonna compete in Duel World, then you're gonna need to be registered. And since it's gonna start in a week, we need to get you ready. Starting today, you're going to Duel School."

Yugi grabbed your hand. "Come on, let's go!" You dropped your packs on the floor as you giggled, running out of the shop with Yugi as you both were going to register.

Just think, you and Yugi, dueling together in your first tournament. You can hardly believe it.

Unbeknownst to you both, Yami watched you two for a bit from his soul room. When he heard you giggling, he smiled warmly at the melodic sound. But now you were getting ready to compete in the tournament. He thought Yugi would be perfect to teach you how to duel. Of course, that didn't mean that Yami couldn't teach you as well.

As Yami sent some calming, strong waves to you through the Millennium Puzzle, he could see you feeling more refreshed.

Yami smirked. "My young beauty, our time together has only just begun."

A/N: And there you have it!

Now guys, I have made up my mind. I'm gonna make this a Yami Yugi x Reader story. I can't help it guys! My love for this character is too strong to ignore! Besides, I'm pretty sure you guys were thinking the same thing.

Also, who else is gonna see The Darkside of Dimensions? I SO WANNA! God, but so many people are spoiling it! Shut your pie holes, you tattle tales! Some of us wish to be surprised! God, no wonder Rogue One was hush hush about spoilers. You don't wanna ruin the surprise. But anyway, I must see it! And I will!

Well guys, next part we'll finally get to start dueling. And we also run into a familiar face. But I must warn you guys, I'm gonna base these duels from the game, especially since I suck at describing fights.

Also, the outfit you're wearing is your official one. What do you think? Also, what kind of deck should we use? Cause in Duel Links, you get to have many deck packs to use. It's still a work in progress.

Thank you all so much for the support. It's nice to know I'm not alone on this.

Until next time. Bye guys! ^-^

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