Friendly Welcome

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A/N: Hey guys!

Now, AbellaLove_101 just asked about how much we told Yami about us being from the real world and how his and Yugi's story is an anime. Well, in this story, you've seen the whole series, Capsule Monsters, the movies. Next part I'll broaden about it since it's gonna take me a while to get this all sorted out.

Also, Authorchanrules asked if we'd get little nods to the show's details. Well, I hadn't thought about that it I guess we can. Especially about Yami's outing with Tea. Oh ho yes, we will mention that!

So, until then, we have this.

So, I hope you enjoy!

You were trying to keep your eyes open as you approached the home of the King of Games himself. Yami led you to the back door in the backyard. He opened the door that revealed the the back room where all the unpacked games and merchandise were held. After shutting the door, he helped go upstairs to the living room.

You immediately curled up on the couch and saw a pillow at the other end. You grabbed it and cuddled with it, liking its softness. But then, you shuddered when Yami breathed in your ear. "I'll be right back." You hummed in delight, making Yami smirk smugly before leaving.

As your body relaxed, your mind was puzzled.

'Why am I so tired? I felt fine before. Hold on. Could it be that ... does this have to do with me being here? Oh man, is there magic involved in this?! Did magic bring me here? Shadow magic? Maybe not. Millennium magic? Huh, could be. Maybe my body is just adjusting to being in this world. Ugh, this is all too much? Where's Yami?'

Just as you thunk it, Yami walked back in with a cup of water. He knelt to be at your eye level. "Here. Drink this." He lightly commanded you. His soft yet deep voice made those butterflies from before flow from your stomach to your chest, making you smile contently before taking it, sitting up, and drinking it. Yami watched you and you couldn't take your eyes away. His stare was so focused, making your feelings for him grow.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Yami sat next to your feet and folded his arms across his thighs. "How do you feel?" You softly moaned as you held your forehead.

"I feel kind of better, but I keep having this nagging pain inside me. This didn't happen before."

"I wonder why." Yami softly said. Then, he bowed his head a bit as his eyes narrowed in concentration, slightly angling his head. You see from the corner of your eyes as he nodded a few times. "Huh. You may be right, Yugi."

'Why is he saying Yugi ... hold on. He's talking to Yugi. I forgot about their mind link. Damn! I may be more out of it than I thought. Aw, I wish I could see Yugi. I mean, don't get me wrong. Yami is so great to look at ... so sexy ... damn, hot stuff. But! But, it would be nice to see Yugi too.' You thought, blushing for also thinking naughty things about Yami.

But as you observed Yami's facial expressions; ranging from concern, intrigued, curious and serious, every moment of it made him look much more sexy. You have to admit, Yami has got to be one of the hottest anime guys of all time; Kaiba and Joey were just as good looking and Yugi, without a doubt, is such a precious jewel! You always wanted to hug him and never let him go. But Yami ... damn as heck ... the guy is the definite meaning of sexy.

His well built body.

His tall, proud stance, slick with confidence.

His voice, deep and luscious.

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