Duel World

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A/N: Hello guys! I'm back! I told you, shorter chapters means more chances to post more often. And I like it! ^-^

So, here's the next part; where Yami learns the truth about where you came from and a new challenge is presented. Also guys, I've decided to base this story off DSummon's gameplay videos but there will be changes to it so it's not exactly the same. And I will include parts with you and the DM cast bonding, romance, and dueling.

Now, I own nothing of Yu-Gi-Oh! at all, nor the game play videos of DSummon (you should check them out on Youtube, they're really good. ^-^) Anyway, enjoy!

You had just finished explaining everything and Yami just look stunned. Well, how would you feel when someone tells you that they're from a world where your whole life is a fantasy show? Aka, not real.

You bit your bottom lip, worried that you may have broken the Nameless Pharaoh.

"Please say something." You begged softly.

Yami turned to look at his hands, staring at them for a while. Finally, he spoke. "I ... It's a lot to take in." You nodded. "I have faced many challenges, dealt with dark magic and all kinds of evil. But, never in my life would I ever have to hear something so ...unimaginable as that." Yami spoke breathless. You frowned.

"So, you don't believe me."

"I never said that." Your eyes widened as you caught Yami's convincing grin. "When you hang around me, anything's possible." You felt weight being pulled off your shoulders and you let out a relieved sigh. "So, I'm from an anime?" You nodded confirming it.

Yami hummed in thought. "Hmm, interesting. And I'm the star. Well, Yugi and I are the stars." You smiled at the mention of the baby panda himself. "And you know all about me, Yugi and our little secret."Yami sheepishly grinned, making you giggle. "I guess you can't call me Yugi anymore."

"And I didn't want to." Yami looked curious. "I always thought Yami was more befitting. I like it." Yami blushed pink but grinned more.

"Thank you. So, you're from another world?"


"What's it like?"

"Um ... quite different than here. There's so much to tell."

"Well, we can talk about it later." Yami stood up and reached for your hand. "Come on. If you're really from another world, then you must want to see some new sights." You accepted his hand and you both walked out of the park and into the city.

As you walked, you saw what looked like a large stadium under construction. It sparked your interest. You also saw colorful flags hanging on light posts, banners hanging over your heads up and you could see duelists all around you, arming their duel disks and looking excited about something.

You asked Yami, "Hey? Do you know why there's so many duelists out? And more importantly, why the whole city looks like it's celebrating something?"

"Huh. You're right. In fact, all of this started this morning. Yugi wanted us to go check it out so we did. And the next thing we know, we run into you and Josh about to duel. So, I'm not sure."

"Well, whatever it is, this looks awesome!" You smiled as your eyes glowed in excitement. Yami smiled at you.


"I wonder who organized all of this." Little did you know, you would get your answer. As you two reached the plaza where all the duelists were gathering, you felt a sudden chill run up your back when the big TV screen above you guys turned on, showing the serious face of a familiar someone.

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