Let the Dueling Begin!

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A/N: Hey guys. I know. Long delay. Writers block. No Yugioh phase. But I'm here. Now, let's do this!

The front door of the Kame Game Shop opened and you stretched out, breathing the nice air. "Okay (Y/n), this is it. Duel World has begun. And ... " You spoke confidently. And then, you panicked, "I'm ready to puke myself to death, I can't do this!" You were about to go back inside but Yugi pushed you out.

"Come on! Yes you can!"

"But Yugi, I'm no expert on this! I only started playing a few days ago and I'm still not sure about this. And that's coming from a DM fan!"You blabbered out.

"All the more reason to go do this. The best training you can get is hands on experience. Now, come on (Y/n). Let's do this!" Yugi grabbed your hand again and you were dragged off into the city.

While you did, your mind began racing. Yugi had started training you in the ways of dueling to help you prepare for the tournament. For a week, you had been practicing nonstop. Even Yami helped you with some practice matches; though there was some banter between you two.

You were still unsure about how you would do.

You two stopped in Domino Square and Yugi let go of your hand, turning to face you. "Okay. Now, if we both want to end up in the finals, we're gonna have to reach the highest stage possible. So, that means excessive dueling." Yugi explained.

"You want us to split up?" You squeaked out. You were still trying to get used to getting around Domino. But you weren't ready to start dueling. Especially on your own.

"Um..." Yugi blushed, biting his lip when his eyes lite up. "Tell you what? How about we meet up again in one hour, at the train station?" Yugi eased you down. You took in a deep breath and nodded, holding your duel disk tightly. Yugi's eyes shone concern when the puzzle glowed before Yami appeared and took your hand in his.

"Don't worry. I know you can do this." You looked astray. Yami squeezed your hand, making your eyes look up into his. "Trust me." Yami smiled softly. You felt your cheeks get warm as you smiled back,nodding.

"I do." His eyes peered down at yours, grinning.


Jus tas you were feeling sure of yourself, it was too soon before it was time to start dueling. Yami leaned in to whisper in your ear. "Good luck." You numbly nodded, shivering at his warm breath. Your feet were frozen in place as you watched Yami go off, unable to take your eyes away from him.

Still, you forced your legs to move the other way and you ended up on a crowded street, duelists passing by and citizens standing by to watch the various duels. You were wondering who your first opponent would be, if they were any good, and if you can beat them.

"Hey, (Y/n)!"

You turned around to see a familiar face. "Josh?"

He smiled at you. "Yeah, it's me! So, you're competing in the tournament too, huh?"

"Uh, yeah. Wait, so does that mean you're competing too?"

"Yep! And I've decided to make you my first opponent. So, are you ready to duel ... or are you still learning the ropes of this?" He lightly taunted you.

You narrowed your eyes and pouted. "Heck to the no! You want to duel?" You turned on your duel disk and placed your deck in the deck holder,the lights making your eyes glow bright with a newfound confidence. "Let's duel!"

A crowd formed around you two began.

Josh smirked. "I'll go first! I activate a continuous spell, Banner of Courage!" The card appeared on the field. "I also activate another spell, Stray Lambs! Now I get to special summon two Lamb Tokens in defense mode."Just as he said, two Lamb Tokens appeared on the field. "I end my turn. Now, let's see what you got." Josh grinned.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links (Yami Yugi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now