Chapter 2

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I ran as fast as I could, trying to make sure not to fall or hurt myself, I was hurt enough, both from a broken heart and just plain pain. I felt bad, no I felt worse and sick, how could that happen, as I watched my best friend die.

Dodging many low branches, my feet scrunched as I felt the hard terrain, as I rushed as fast as I could, huffing as I gasped for air, my blood boiling making my cuts bleed more.

There was a loud growl behind me, at the same time something pounced on my back. I screamed, crashing into the ground, moaning at the pain that came with it and sent the old pain into a frenzy.

I screamed again, as I tried getting back up. Only to be pulled back down again, by my dress. I heard the fabric rip. I jerked forward as I was released, crashing into a nearby bush, I scrambled running up, the sound of a few cars driving down a road came from my right. I headed that way, knowing I was nearly out of the woods.

A howl broke through the forest making my hair on my arms stand up. There were some passing cars on the road that zoomed past, I could just manage to see them through the tree's. I looked behind me to see if I could see the two wolves, behind me. But they weren't.

I frowned. I swore I heard them behind me. As soon as I turned around I choked back a scream, there they were, there eyes glowing with hunger. And excitement. A shudder ran through me. They were blocking my only way towards humanity.

Both started to circle me, going different directions, teeth pointed, and on for show, ears pulled back, and their hair was even more bristled then before. I looked around frantically for a way out, of course there was no way there were two giant wolves circling me, ready to pounce if I even moved.

I searched every where, as soon as my eyes met a large branch hanging a foot above my head, I jumped at my only chance of saving myself.

I screamed as I felt a jaw full of teeth grip my ankle, as I hung half on the branch, trying to pull my legs up. The pain was searing, and on fire. Kicking with my other foot, trying to hit him in the snout.

I looked just in time to see the other wolf, this one black lunged for my other foot, I raised it up fast, almost losing my grip on the branch, feeling my leg be torn up brutally as he kept a firm hold on my ankle.

I kicked my leg down hitting the brown wolf in the snout, he whimpered as I pulled my injured leg up onto the branch. I had to continue climbing to get away from them, one because the branch might break, two, they were jumping higher and higher.

"Please don't do this." I cried.

Inching my way up the tree. The black wolf transformed back into a human, Jay stood at the bottom of the tree.

"Oh come on, this game isn't fair. Wolves can't climb...but some humans can." He said with a evil smile. He grabbed onto the branch I had jumped onto from the start and climbed up the tree with ease as he made his way towards me.

I panicked, trying to climb more branches, but the more I climbed the weaker they became, and the fewer there were. Thank God I had choosen to be stuck beneath a giant tree, if it were smaller then a lot of tree's I would have been dead by now. I think.

Unless they continue to play their game.

I ran out of branches and had to watch as Jay made his way easily and fast towards me. I was biting my lip, and shaking violently.

"Come here darling." He cooed. I whimpered, as he was now directly in front of me, the branch creaking under his weight, that didn't sound good.

Just as a loud crack came, I jumped, my hands catching another branch before I fell with the previous branch. Jay wasn't lucky, he flew to the ground, only to crawl up with out a flinch.

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