Chapter 21

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We spent a day and a half on the boat, the sun beating down on us. My clothes. were sticking to me and I smelled like a wet dog. plus they were my only pair of clothes left.

I didn't know when we'd stop, because none of us had eaten in those few days, my stomach was killing me. We drank straight from the lake, even though it tasted a bit funny. Kinda fishy.

The men were all standing around the wheel talking, keeping me out of the conversation, even though I could hear them. I didn't want to hear them, I didn't want to hear their plans. It always brought bad weather in my books. I was slowly dying of boredom and hunger.

Looking towards the boys they were deep in their conversation once again.

The water glistened against the hot sun. I was so tempted in jumping in.

With a deep sigh I walked towards the rail. Putting my arms over it casually I stared at the dark waters below me.

Subconsciously, I let my feet slide out of my torn sneakers I had on, sliding the sock with them.

Bending my knees I flung myself high in the air with a twirl and into a diving position. Being a werewolf had its disadvantages.

The water rushed over my arms first before engulfing my entire body. My now wet clothes sticking to me. When my head broke the surface a few meters from the boat I was met with some angry boys.

I wasn't even worried about the consequences. I HAD to do something before I ripped someone's head off.

"Get over here. NOW!" Gritted Jay.

Swimming to him slowly under his command I came to the boat. Jay had his arm stretched out for me to grab onto. A small plan ran through my head.

Grabbing his hand I pulled him really hard. I watched with a evil smile on my face as it dawned on him my plans, but it was too late as he went flying into the cool waters.

He came sputtering up to the surface with a angry look, his eyes held a evil glint.

I did what I was told, he told me to come towards them not get out of the water.

He acted fast, lunging at me and dunking us both in the water. Once I surfaced he was laughing. Glaring I tackled him back trying to dominate each other for our victory of who was the best dunker.

He won of course, with him being stronger then me and a bit intimidating I gave in.

The two other boys sat in the boat leaning against the side railing watching, Andy was bored looking and Curt was looking amused. Swimming to the edge and letting Curt help me up we continued the boring boat drive.


A beach showed itself brightly with its sand as we neared it. Putting the boat on a faster gear we sped off towards it. I was jumpy, I wanted to feel solid ground.

The boat stopped, I was the first one out of the boat and on the hot sand.

Looking out at the forested area before us, it was quiet and there was no smell of humans.

Curt's stomach rumbled. Blushing he looked down. I started laughing. I've never seen, or think they could get embarrassed.

"Okay, first thing we need is food, Curt,Andy you go check through the forest, me and Erica will search the coast for stuff to build for the night." Jay ordered.

The boys started to shift into wolves stripping all their clothes, I looked away while they did so. They could at least spare me some innocence while they keep me with them.

The sound of paws running further from me and Jay told me the coast was clear.

Looking towards Jay he was in his half wolf form too. It looked really creepy, his eyes were glowing yellow, and he looked still human but covered in fur and with a hunched posture, like the typical werewolf.

A voice ran through my head making me jump. 'Shift so we can scout the area!' I looked at Jay with wide eyes.

"Was that you?" I asked amazed. He nodded with a gruff.

Twirling my finger for him to turn around he rolled his eyes but turned anyways. Taking off all my clothes I started imaging myself shifting into my wolf.

The sounds of my bones breaking and stretching broke the silence, white fur sprouted along my body.

I groaned in pain clenching my teeth till they got to sharp.

When I turned around I noticed that Jay had been watching me the entire time and possibly when I was shifting. He maybe bigger then me but I was fast.

Lunging at him, we toppled over with me growling in his face.

'Relax, nothing I haven't seen before.' He rolled his eyes, pushing me off of him.

'Jerk!' I muttered in my head.

'I heard that.' He stated.

Ugh, great he can hear my thoughts.

'I've accepted you into my pack fully, therefore we can all talk through our minds no matter how far we are.' Jay stated as he lead is along the beach on all fours.

We searched for awhile with nothing to be found, everything was quiet.

'Why does it hurt so much when I shift? Is it the same for you to?' I asked suddenly.

Staring back at me he shook his head.

'Only the first few times when your a new shifter.'

I nodded, stopping behind him my ears perked towards the forest area.

Jay stopped noticing I had stopped walking.

'What's wrong?' His thoughts ran through my head.

'I thought I heard-' A golden blur came across my view before I could even register what was going on, I was flung backwards with a sharp surprised yelp. Landing in the sand as I barely had time to get up when the newcomer had pounced onto my stomach with a large claw at my throat.

Jay was wrestling a few feet from me with a dark brown wolf, he had the upper hand of the fight and kicked the brown wolf out towards the forest.

A 'Thump' could be heard as the wolf crashed into the tree leaving a dent into it.

Struggling to get out of the golden wolfs grasp made things worse as its claws extended a bit more into my throat.




Luv u all <3

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