Chapter 10

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"How could you add a weak stupid human in your pack? She isn't worth it...other then for sex." He said looking at Jay in disabelief.

Curt growled still holding onto me. What was going on? I bit my lip, a little nervous at the way everything just took a turn.

"She's useless, she's HUMAN. A disgusting creature that has no hope." He growled, the mans hands clenched into fists and shook as his intense stare turned to me, the red in his grey eye's was starting to take over the grey. Curt pulled me behind him.

I clutched the back of his shirt now, my body was trembling.

"Andy she's a part of this pack, if you hurt her or even look at her in the wrong way, you'll pay for it. I am the alpha of this newly pack coming back to life. You will listen to me." Jay ordered, making Curt shiver from the strong orders.

My heart picked up more, as I let go of Curt and took a step backwards away from the awkward silence that came upon us.

Turning back towards the direction of my room, I walked away quickly trying to get away from these crazy people. I slammed the door shut, behind me.

I ran to my bed and jumped in it laying on my belly, and staring at nothing, I didn't cry. I couldn't.

A soft knock on the door met my ears, I didn't bother answering, I just ignored the sound as it irritated me.

The door opened.

Jay walked in looking concern. "You okay?" He asked putting a hand on my back. I flinched from the touch. But he kept it on me.

"No." I whispered looking at the wall. "That was Andy, he that." He said.

"Why is he here?"

"To join my growing pack, and to eliminate humans or enslave them. His pack was murdered, only he survived. Pretending to be dead, as he was surrounded by the many bodies of his own pack and family. It would have been terrible to have to do that and act weak." He growled.

It did hurt a bit to think about having to do something like that, watching your friends and family being slaughtered and having to pretend to be dead just to live and to top that is laying with the ones that are dead and once were a part of your life now all dead.

I sat there waiting for him to say something. "Just try and stay away from him, because he hates humans and two he likes a challange, so please act respectful around me. Because he will hurt you." He warned. I was shocked but shook my head yes.

"If you need anything just call on me. And I can see to whatever you need." He stated. Okay I was worse then shocked. He was being nice.

With that he left.


Later that night, Jay called me to come out of my room and join him and Curt and Andy for dinner. I was scared. Finding the normal sized dining room, there sitting at the table was Jay and Curt, they looked at me giving a light nod, Andy sat beside Curt and growled at me.

Jay pulled out a chair beside him, hestiant I took it. Gulping. I looked at all the food sitting on the table in front of us. A full roasted chicken lay in a pot with steaming vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, a bowl of some kind of macaroni sat in front of me.

"Well, shall we eat?" Jay asked.

He took a spoon full of potatoes, we all followed after him grabbing food. No one said anything during dinner, I just stared down at my food as I ate. When finished, I gathered all the plates, just to get away, Jay looked at me shocked, I just kept a straight face as I grabbed everyones plate other then Andy's.

He slammed his fist on the table when I reached for it. I jumped taken aback.

Jay growled at him. I just continued clearing the table leaving Andy's. Taking it to the kitchen I started washing up the dishes. It worked getting away, maybe if I could act good and appreciative I could get away.

Finishing drying everything, and even washing and drying the sink, I looked out the window to the darkness. Two more days.

Two more dreadful days till I was fully a werewolf.

Someone walked into the kitchen, grabbing me from behind around the waist and spinning me to meet Jays, beautiful navy blue eye's.

"This was unexpected. I thought you would have gone back to your room. So have you thought about my offer yet?" he asked pulling himself closer to me, his mouth close to my neck, I shuddered at his warm breath.

Oh god not this stupid offer.

"Well?" He asked me impatiently.

"Uh, uh, no." I said struggling for words. He growled pulling away from me. I sighed in relief.

"Tonight Erica, you will be my Luna, and you'll like every bit of it. You will learn to give into me and listen to my every order." With that he stormed away. I shuddered not liking the sound of his threat.

I spun around on my heel, and ran to my room. Slamming the door, I grabbed my bed and pushed it towards the door, I grabbed the dresser that was filled with new clothes with the bed, trying to keep everyone out of here.

Sitting in the corner, of my room on the floor, I closed my eye's slowly dozing off after the random events of this day.

A large bang made me jump from my seat on the hard floor.

"Let me in now ERICA!" Shouted a voice. I cringed sinking back into my seat on the floor. I grabbed a giant blanket and wrapped it around me securely.

The dresser toppled over with another bang from the door. The bed was starting to slide across the floor. I could see a furious Jay at the door trying to open it the rest of the way.







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