Chapter 6

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I rolled over, toppling onto my side. I sat upright, right away, with a startled gasp.

My body was sore and stiff as I stood up from the floor, and walking to the dark bed, it was night time when I crawled into it.

The comfort was almost too much for me. I let out a sigh of relief. Closing my eyes, I lay there for a few minutes.

I was so tired, but I couldn't fall asleep. I turned over. Hoping to find comfort in sleeping only to be wide awake.

My eyes flew open as soon as I heard the ragged breath. Someone was here. In my room...watching me. I didn't dare breath or move a muscle. I closed my eyes just hoping I was hearing things.

Unfortuanetly for me, I could still hear the heavy breathing. My heart was thundering in my chest. I had to make it quieter, to calm it down, if it's a werewolf they might be able to hear it.

Where was Jay? Or Curt? They should be on watch or something making sure no one got into my room. I laughed inside my head at those stupid thoughts. They wouldn't do that for me, they don't care.

At that thought my heart started racing even faster. The floor creaked in protest with someone stepping on it. Oh no. I readied myself to scream.

As soon as another board creaked. I just started screaming when a hand clasped onto my mouth.

I struggled, throwing a fist here and there. I couldn't kick, because the person who was holding me down they had my legs pinned under there own. I was so tired that I gave up and lay still under the person that was hovering over me. My breathing was coming harsh as I stared up into dark navy blue eyes that almost seemed to glow in the pitch dark.

Why must I keep coming across him? I cried silently in my head. I struggled again, for what ever energy I still had in me. He was going to hurt me again. Jay was going to bite me again.

When will I get a break from it? I sobbed enternally to myself.

His hand still held onto my mouth, I opened it wider and bit down as hard as I could. He pulled back with a small scream holding his hand and examining it, there was a bit of blood, but it wasn't to serious.

Crawling up from the bed, I ran to the door, opening it like it was a bomb or something, I fled down the halls trying to find a exit of some sort.

I heard him curse behind me and follow pursuit. A large door came in view with a small window on it. I could see outside. Tree's and the night sky. That's what I've been waiting for, was a chance to escape, only this one came up a bit of surprise.

I ran straight into the door, not being able to stop. Pulling back quickly I unlocked the door and burst threw the door. I felt a handful of my hair being ripped from my head. I screamed, but kept running blind in the dark.

This was my only chance.

I must get away.

I heard Jay yell for Curt to come help him. I looked at the dark sky, there was no moon. Which I hope means that werewolves won't be able to transform.

I looked back in time to see Curt following after Jay out of the house, as soon as my eyes met Curts. He threw a killer glare that had my heart pumping even faster then what it was. The only sound was the crunching of the leaves under my feet, and their heavy foot falls a bit far back from me.

My chest was heaving, and I was begining to feel light headed. My body was still hurting and tired from Jay earlier that previous day.

To make this worse, i didn't know where I was even going. The only thing I knew was that I was in the forest. In the middle of the night.

I turned back to look at the two boys following me, they weren't far, but they weren't as fast as when they were in their wolf forms. But just a bit faster then a average human. Fury was the only thing that shown through their merciless eyes.

I quickly paid attention as I stumbled the tiniest bit, clipping my shoulder on a tree, it didn't hurt to much.

I was starting to slow down as my legs burned with protest and my chest felt like it was constricting me. Tears stung my eyes as they tried falling.

Something lightly brushed my back, I looked just in time to see Curt swipe at me. Making me dodge to the side. My direction was switched to running to my right.

I ran for a couple more minutes before looking back only to see that no one was there. I stopped, looking around confused, this was a trap and I was gonna get caught if I stopped. I have to keep running.

As I ran something grabbed at my foot, I screamed loudly as I fell to the ground. I turned around waiting to see Jay or Curt, but only saw a dark root I hadn't seen.

Great, this is what has to slow me down when my life and the human race was endangered.

I stood, there was a small stinging sensation in my ankle, it wasn't bad, it was use able.

I turned to start running back in the direction I had taken to, only to crash into a hard body, falling back onto the ground. The wind rushed out of me, leaving me breathless. I looked up into dark, black bottomless eyes. It was too dark to distinguish colour.

A set of arms pinned me to the ground, as the figure just stood there staring. I screamed fighting as hard as I could, it only lasted a couple of minutes before my body finally gave into the pain and tiredness. My chest heaved as I tried calming it.

"Your a stupid, stupid girl. Erica." Tsked the figure standing above me. That voice sent icicles down my back as they cut through my skin easily.

Curt, pinned my arms to my side. I sighed in exhaustion laying my head lightly down onto the mossy ground. The stars peered through the tree's avoiding clouds as they blew past the twinkling lights.

"I'm slowly going crazy." I mumbled to myself. There was a low chuckle. Then I felt hands grab my face rather harsh. I whimpered from the gesture, but gave in, instead of pulling away. It was better that way, because it would only make them hurt me.

Curts hands released me and I was pulled to my feet. Jay held me close to his chest. He whispered into my ear sending a violent shiver down my back.

"Now your in trouble."











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